Congressman Boyd appears to be in bed with Pelosi and her band of liberals.
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subjects of the week:
Boyd Bashing:
Congressman Boyd was faced with a crowd filled with dissatisfied 2nd district constituents at his “town hall” meeting in Marianna this Wednesday. It is my understanding that he had similar experiences in Blountstown and Bristol the preceding day. It appears the “sleeping giant” of public involvement has finally awakened and is speaking out. Now the only question is…Is Anyone Listening??
It seems our elected representatives soon forget their roots, their campaign promises, their pretended philosophies, and what is best for the nation, when they arrive in that segregated, capsulated Washington environment. They are soon totally consumed by the wining and dining from the lobbyists, the thrill of the power brokers of their party leadership, and the special deals and promises made to them for their vote. The poor, ignorant voters back home are rendered irrelevant
However, it appears that when they return back to Washington from this trip home, many will return with enough scars and bleeding wounds to hopefully retain memories of the trip home for awhile. It appears the public is finally ready to “Cast the devils out!” Many voters are ready to issue some “pink slips”. The mid-term elections can’t get here soon enough!
Utility Bills:
Everyone I talk to is moaning and groaning over last month’s electric bills from Florida Public Utilities. In almost every instance the charges set a new lifetime record for the home and family, even after they had reduced their consumption by 20%-30% over last year. I have heard some saying they were incapable of paying the charge and did not know what they were going to do. It is a sad situation.
I fear we will soon all be forced to rarely use our air conditioning and heating systems, and reducing our home lighting to a single bulb hanging down from the ceiling with a pull string. Many families will be forced to drastically alter their lifestyles in order to survive in this greed driven world.
I realize that costs have risen, but the degree in increases the citizens of our area who are under the delivery umbrella of Florida Public Utilities are experiencing charges that are significantly higher than those of other areas. The consultant the City of Marianna used conducted a cost survey which disclosed FPU was charging rates that were among the highest in the state. I believe that overcharging is present at the producer level and the delivery level in the local system. I hate to think of what our costs would be if “Cap and Trade” is implemented.
In my opinion the real culprits in this issue are the members of the Public Services Commission who are supposedly charged with protecting the consumer from abusive pricing from the utilities who enjoy a monopolistic position in their markets. This Commission has become a political pawn of the dominant political party, and the utilities donate generously to the campaigns of the politicians and the party system, and thus have a very significant role in the selection of the members of the Public Services Commission which supposedly regulates their actions. The PSC has become a politicized, $64 million dollar item of waste in the State budget. The loser in this system is the consumer.
Going to the local utility office to complain is fruitless and ineffective. The avenue to changing this horrible system is through our state legislators. Complain to them at every opportunity. In the meantime, all we can do is hunker down and try to survive.
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
• Please note the story in the Sports Section about the Marianna Angels girls softball team deciding to not spend all of the money they were granted for their trip to the State Championships, and instead gave it back for the better use for a pitching machine for all future teams to use. I hope some of our grant spending politicians and bureaucrats take note. They should give any unspent money back for the betterment of the State or the Nation instead of selfishly keeping it for themselves. To make up a reason to spend the savings is a wasteful practice, and it negates the value of competitive bidding to save on the cost of projects.
• Well, the Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulations has put another local company out of business. We can say good bye to Bryant’s Store on Orange Street, after fifty years of successful business operation. Their storage tanks were deemed to be a menace to society, and had to be replaced immediately…regardless of the consequences. Now the lot and building will sit for years, decaying and impossible to sell because of our “all knowing, all seeing” Big Brother bureaucracy. The “Green Movement” has successfully removed another evil business from existence. Maybe we can eventually get rid of all of our nation’s polluting, ugly, concrete and asphalt using businesses, stores, and factories and replace them all with trees and grass. What a beautiful world it would be!....Goodbye Bryant’s Store, we will miss you!!!
• I hope our city fathers plan to soon put the new light at Riverside and Jefferson on blink mode after school is over for the day and everyone is asleep. I feel sort of silly sitting there waiting for it to change when there is no one stirring late at night. Doing this would save energy, and also, the late night lights might disturb the turtles in the Chipola River.
• It would appear to me that if we already have a serious mold problem in our brand new, shiny, million dollar EOC building…..somebody has apparently done something wrong. I hope our county officials are not going to hold the taxpayers responsible for fixing it.
• Goodbye Roy Hutto…I will remember and value your friendship until I join you. You were one of those men who always “Got It Right”.
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subjects of the week:
Boyd Bashing:
Congressman Boyd was faced with a crowd filled with dissatisfied 2nd district constituents at his “town hall” meeting in Marianna this Wednesday. It is my understanding that he had similar experiences in Blountstown and Bristol the preceding day. It appears the “sleeping giant” of public involvement has finally awakened and is speaking out. Now the only question is…Is Anyone Listening??
It seems our elected representatives soon forget their roots, their campaign promises, their pretended philosophies, and what is best for the nation, when they arrive in that segregated, capsulated Washington environment. They are soon totally consumed by the wining and dining from the lobbyists, the thrill of the power brokers of their party leadership, and the special deals and promises made to them for their vote. The poor, ignorant voters back home are rendered irrelevant
However, it appears that when they return back to Washington from this trip home, many will return with enough scars and bleeding wounds to hopefully retain memories of the trip home for awhile. It appears the public is finally ready to “Cast the devils out!” Many voters are ready to issue some “pink slips”. The mid-term elections can’t get here soon enough!
Utility Bills:
Everyone I talk to is moaning and groaning over last month’s electric bills from Florida Public Utilities. In almost every instance the charges set a new lifetime record for the home and family, even after they had reduced their consumption by 20%-30% over last year. I have heard some saying they were incapable of paying the charge and did not know what they were going to do. It is a sad situation.
I fear we will soon all be forced to rarely use our air conditioning and heating systems, and reducing our home lighting to a single bulb hanging down from the ceiling with a pull string. Many families will be forced to drastically alter their lifestyles in order to survive in this greed driven world.
I realize that costs have risen, but the degree in increases the citizens of our area who are under the delivery umbrella of Florida Public Utilities are experiencing charges that are significantly higher than those of other areas. The consultant the City of Marianna used conducted a cost survey which disclosed FPU was charging rates that were among the highest in the state. I believe that overcharging is present at the producer level and the delivery level in the local system. I hate to think of what our costs would be if “Cap and Trade” is implemented.
In my opinion the real culprits in this issue are the members of the Public Services Commission who are supposedly charged with protecting the consumer from abusive pricing from the utilities who enjoy a monopolistic position in their markets. This Commission has become a political pawn of the dominant political party, and the utilities donate generously to the campaigns of the politicians and the party system, and thus have a very significant role in the selection of the members of the Public Services Commission which supposedly regulates their actions. The PSC has become a politicized, $64 million dollar item of waste in the State budget. The loser in this system is the consumer.
Going to the local utility office to complain is fruitless and ineffective. The avenue to changing this horrible system is through our state legislators. Complain to them at every opportunity. In the meantime, all we can do is hunker down and try to survive.
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
• Please note the story in the Sports Section about the Marianna Angels girls softball team deciding to not spend all of the money they were granted for their trip to the State Championships, and instead gave it back for the better use for a pitching machine for all future teams to use. I hope some of our grant spending politicians and bureaucrats take note. They should give any unspent money back for the betterment of the State or the Nation instead of selfishly keeping it for themselves. To make up a reason to spend the savings is a wasteful practice, and it negates the value of competitive bidding to save on the cost of projects.
• Well, the Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulations has put another local company out of business. We can say good bye to Bryant’s Store on Orange Street, after fifty years of successful business operation. Their storage tanks were deemed to be a menace to society, and had to be replaced immediately…regardless of the consequences. Now the lot and building will sit for years, decaying and impossible to sell because of our “all knowing, all seeing” Big Brother bureaucracy. The “Green Movement” has successfully removed another evil business from existence. Maybe we can eventually get rid of all of our nation’s polluting, ugly, concrete and asphalt using businesses, stores, and factories and replace them all with trees and grass. What a beautiful world it would be!....Goodbye Bryant’s Store, we will miss you!!!
• I hope our city fathers plan to soon put the new light at Riverside and Jefferson on blink mode after school is over for the day and everyone is asleep. I feel sort of silly sitting there waiting for it to change when there is no one stirring late at night. Doing this would save energy, and also, the late night lights might disturb the turtles in the Chipola River.
• It would appear to me that if we already have a serious mold problem in our brand new, shiny, million dollar EOC building…..somebody has apparently done something wrong. I hope our county officials are not going to hold the taxpayers responsible for fixing it.
• Goodbye Roy Hutto…I will remember and value your friendship until I join you. You were one of those men who always “Got It Right”.
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.