Cliptoons by S&S

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Politicians And Ostriches…Both Escaping Reality By Sticking Their Heads In the Sand

If politicians wore feathers you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart!
By Sid Riley
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:

“Our leaders are ignoring critical issues while they waste their time and energy…and our money…on trivial matters.”

The Washington crowd is so politicized and so filled with such self serving, ego feeding mentalities they apparently can’t see the forest for the trees. They can’t see the core problems which are plaguing our nation because of all of the bull**** filling the air. The stench is overwhelming the smell of cherry blossoms in the nation’s Capital this spring.

They are too busy arguing about what constitutes torture, who knew what about water boarding, closing Guantanamo prison, passing foolish “eco-loonie” legislation in order to gain votes from the “eco-loon”, Goreite led voting” block, and keeping the United Auto Workers Union in business by shoveling a few billion dollars their way every few weeks. Meanwhile, in a manner similar to Nero, they continue to fiddle on these follies while Rome burns and our nation sinks into the depths of despair.

ENERGY INDEPENDENCE - Can you remember how the political crowd stressed the importance of creating programs which would enable us to eliminate our utter dependence on the Mid East Oil Cartels for the energy which runs our nation? That was when gasoline was approaching $5.00 pre gallon and it cost $80.00 to fill up your vehicle. When the Sheiks allowed oil prices to temporarily fall, they conveniently forgot about these energy problems. Well, those conditions WILL COME BACK, and our 535 elected wizards are doing nothing to prevent the reoccurrence.

In all of this stimulus pork garbage there is almost nothing being done to deal with the immediate problems of our total energy dependence on the Arab Sheiks. There are no new exploration programs, no openings of restricted areas for leasing, no movement to tap into the Alaskan reserves, no new delivery pipelines for our natural gas reserves, no new nuclear energy plants, no permitting of mining of oil shale in the mountain states, no new refineries to increase processing capacities, and no investment in a national rail transportation network.……Instead, the only steps they have taken involve a forced redesigning all American made cars in order to double gasoline consumption efficiencies at huge added costs to the American consumer and the bankrupt auto manufacturing companies.

We need to be moving aggressively forward in all of these areas…not wasting time trying to cast blame on the previous administration for making some terrorist feel uncomfortable. In my opinion, they have their heads stuck in the sand by ignoring the continuing dangers which our energy situation presents to our ailing economy and our national well being.

THE REBUILDING OF OUR ECONOMY – In the 1990’s we traded away the farm, and now we are paying the price for it. Globalization was great for China, but it has ruined the once great American Industrial Economy. Their gain has been our loss. It was a bad deal, made on unfair terms, by inept, politically motivated American negotiators. As a result, in fifteen short years we have seen our industries evaporate, our international balance of payments become more appropriately our “imbalance of payments” as trillions of U.S. dollars flow out of the economy. Even more saddening is the sight of empty factory buildings which once housed thousands of jobs which are needed by American families in order to maintain their standard of living.

The U. S. can not compete in a “free trade” world economy. It is not a fair, level playing field for us. U. S. manufacturers are at too great of a cost disadvantage due to our system of industrial regulations, ecological regulations, labor regulations, banking regulations, taxation levels, and over-regulation regulations. The cost model just doesn’t work for an American made product which carries the cost burden of all of these factors, - factors which do not exist in places like China, or Korea, or India.

Until the playing field of international trade can be leveled, until programs of equalization can be developed to regulate production in a globalized, free economy, the U. S. should retreat from the fair trade concept far enough to maintain some level of industrial capacity within our borders. This means at least for selected products and for selected trading partners, some protective tariffs and duties must remain. To do otherwise is a foolish “give away” of needed American jobs.
Simultaneously, programs to restart our lost industries should be initiated. This would include stimulus monies for starting new factories, creating new jobs, and easing levels of regulation and taxation for items which are produced for export. Programs which are designed to create a “level trading field” for U.S. exports should be designed and started. Simultaneously, duties and quotas should be added to products coming to our markets from countries which have no regard for the environment or human rights. The funds from these duties could be used to pay for the industrial stimulation programs we desperately need.

Instead, our leaders seem to not realize that the once massive and impressive “American Industrial Complex” does not exist any longer. It is not there to provide the tax revenues needed for the planned “new wave of socialism” they seem to all be endorsing and implementing without regard to how it will all be paid for. We have a struggling population with a diminishing standard of living, a diminishing disposable income, and a diminishing ability to pay for increased social programs.

With a loss of jobs throughout the economy and a growing inability to pay the monthly cost of living, American families are facing a tragic dilemma. Meanwhile, our politicians are sticking their well groomed heads in the sand and ignoring the reality. They promise a better world where big brother government will provide for all, and they move ahead with their unfunded social programs.

OUR NATIONAL SECURITY – I fear we are sinking back into a pre 9-11 mentality. We seem to be sticking our heads into the sand and forgetting the sights of giant airliners driven by mid-eastern terrorists slamming into New York skyscrapers, the sight of innocent Americans being forced to jump to their deaths from 100 stories in the air in order to escape a more horrible death from raging fires in the buildings.

Whether we want to ignore it or not, no matter how nice we try to treat them, no matter how politically correct we attempt to be in all ways, no matter how much money we shovel out of our pockets to feed, clothe, and care for their needy, no matter how much we smile and bow to them…we are infidels, and they HATE OUR GUTS AND WANT TO SEE US DEAD!

In this environment, to reduce our military might, to demoralize our magnificent troops, to abandon gains which American blood has been spilt to just obtain political benefits is an unjust decision. To make America appear to be the villain when fighting enemies which massacre innocent civilians who speak against them, who sever the heads of American captives, who encourage and support terrorists who attack our nation at every opportunity, who ignore the demands of the international community, and who harbor and aid our worse foes borders on treason.

It seems that when they look at a jet fighter, a tank, or a new weapon system, their thoughts are, “Just think of how many food stamps and low income houses could have been bought with that money!”

We had our heads stuck in the sand during the months preceding 9-11. Our leaders appear to be in the process of reinserting their domes into the same holes.

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worthy of Mention :
● Chipola is locked in a fight with the employees union. The only difference with this type of fight in industry is that if the union asks for too much, the company finally goes out of business. In this instance, colleges do not go out of business, whatever they gain, ultimately the tax payers will pay for. You can bet next week in his report the Arbitrator will recommend a compromise somewhere in the middle of the demands, and costs will rise, and the public will pay. Then at some other college their employees will demand more because Chipola is getting more than them, and the cost there will go up, then the next time Chipola’s contract comes up they will say…….and in this manner the system keeps on raising costs every year.

● In defense of the union’s demands, some of the facts they disclosed about disproportionate expenditures on sports and staffing at Chipola were revealing. Could there possibly be excess expenditures on both sides of the issues?

● This week I received this note from Charlie Stokes a Conservative writer in Starkville, MS. “I work with the Catch-A-Dream Foundation ( which provides hunting and fishing trips to children with life-threatening illnesses. As part of a fund raising program, we had scheduled Sgt. 1st Class Greg Stube, a highly decorated U.S. Army Green Beret and inspirational speaker. Everything was on go until Obama suddenly issued a policy that NO U.S. SERVICEMAN CAN SPEAK AT ANY FAITH-BASED PUBLIC EVENTS. Needless to say, Greg had to cancel his speaking event with us. Didn’t know if anyone else was aware of this new policy.”

Charlie Stokes - Area Agronomy Agent/County Director - MSU Extension Service

● -Remember, “Freedom Isn’t Free” and you will be “Getting It Right”

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Any More!!"

Remarks made at 2nd "Tea Party" Meeting
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
This column is the speech delivered by this writer at the "Concerned Americans" 2nd Tea Party meeting on May 14. Over one hundred concerned Americans were present.
In 1961 at a meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations, at the height of the cold war with Russia, Russian Premier Nikita Kruchev took off one of his boots and beat on the podium for emphasis as he yelled, "Russia does not have to destroy the United States with missiles, it will destroy itself from within!"
Was he correct? Is that what is happening at this moment?
"We have heard the other meaningful statement, "A democracy in which all citizens can vote will fail when the unproductive elements become the majority, and they discover they have access to the public treasury".
How do you destroy a nation from within?
● You destroy the family unit structure of the society. Over 40% of the children being born in America are born to unwed mothers. They have no recognizable father, they have no family unit.
● You reduce the influence of religion and moral restraints within the society. Religion is being attacked on many fronts, restricting prayer, diminishing religious holidays, removing religion from all educational processes. Amoral behavior is condoned and even encouraged in the media.
● You reduce national pride and self esteem. Liberals are proclaiming America to be a cruel, aggressive nation. They ignore our acts of benevolence, sharing, and honor in the international arena.
● You condone political corruption and unethical behavior among leaders. Failure to pay taxes, bribery, extortion, hypocrisy, and self serving behavior is commonplace at all levels of government.
● You gain control of the media. A major portion of the national media which is controlled by monopolistic conglomerates, is ultraliberal and continually distorts and edits the news in a brainwashing routine for the American public. Simultaneously they work to repress the access of the conservative media to the public ear through legislative action.
● You Use Constitutional interpretations to implement their liberal agendas. Within the next few years they will have the opportunity to create one of the most liberal Supreme Courts in history. The impact of their rulings will undoubtedly accelerate the liberal cause.
● You weaken the educational processes by lowering standards and teaching liberal, social philosophies. Federal funding has enabled the federal bureaucracy to control our nation’s educational systems. As a result, our national educational level has fallen from being the best in the world to being far down the international rating scale. An intentional "dumbing of America" is underway. An uneducated citizenry is easier to control.
● You alter the economic system by moving to socialism. Redistribution of wealth, a huge, big brother government which provides all citizens with their food, housing, medical care, and total life regulation is the evolution which is now underway.
The basic foundations of our nation are being moved. This includes our Moral Foundations, our Religious Foundations, our Economic Foundations, our Social Foundations, and our Ethical Foundations.
When our forefathers penned our constitution and Bill of Rights, the primary issue of that day was States Rights Vs. Federal Rights. The thirteen colonies had been functioning as independent countries, and they were now banding together to create the United States of America. They wanted to retain as much power as possible at the local, state level, while the power of the central federal government was very limited. They felt the only function of the federal government should be protection of the national shores, regulation of international trade, and international representation with Ambassadors. No mention was made of a right to tax or regulate state activities.
If our forefathers could only see the federal government as it is fashioned today. They would scream in horror at what has evolved, despite their attempt to restrict the federal influence as they wrote the constitution and Bill of Rights. And as we move into socialism, the Big Brother of the Federal Establishment is gaining total control over all state and local governments.
In 1861 our nation moved into an era where the nation was terribly divided over issues of trade and slavery, and a vicious civil war erupted. We are similarly divided again one hundred and fifty years later over issues of liberalism vs. conservatives, socialism vs. capitalism, federal control vs. states rights, secular progressives vs. the Religious Right.
The balance has evolved to a point where these factions are almost equal, each struggling for control. The liberals are thus pushing to gain control through increasing their numbers by encouraging open borders, ignoring immigration laws, giving amnesty and voting rights to millions of illegal aliens, encouraging and condoning illegal voting practices and any other measure which provides them with added voting strength. They are working diligently to tilt the scales permanently in their direction.
I do not consider myself a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I AM A CONSERVATIVE! I want the minimum possible amount of government interference and regulation in my life. I want to make all of my own decisions, unless they somehow harm or diminish those rights for another citizen. I feel there should be no free rides in society. I believe in personal responsibility for one’s actions and status in life. I feel government’s role is to educate, inform, assure fairness prevails, to sponsor research and growth, and to protect us from international aggression.
What kind of conservative are you? There are many elements of being a conservative, and each of us has degrees of personal involvement with each of these elements. For instance:
Secular Progressive Vs. Religious Right
Issues include – Prayer in schools, abortion, stem cell research, observance of religious holidays, rights of parents, gay marriage, pornography, cultism, single parents
Social Liberals Vs. Social Conservatives
Issues include – Welfare, socialized medicine, entitlements, redistribution of wealth, personal responsibility, self reliance, regulation of industries
Fiscal Liberals Vs. Fiscal Conservatives
Issues Include – Big Brother control of economy, taxation, level of government control, level of government services, property rights, codes, permitting, fees, oversight states rights vs. federal rights vs. personal rights
Each of us has differing opinions and would accord differing levels of importance to this range of issues. In some instances I would classify myself as a moderate, while in others I feel very strongly about and would be at the utmost conservative end of the scale. However, I would rarely venture into the liberal arena in my personal rankings.
The task before us is to ‘RECLAIM OUR NATION’! We must end the corruption…defend our basic beliefs…believe that being absolutely correct is more important than being politically correct…restore fiscal responsibility and sanity….remove the hands of the self serving and undeserving from the public pocketbook….and most importantly, RESTORE AMERICA.
Be Intolerant, Be Informed, Be Patriotic, Be Vocal, Be Active, Stand up for your beliefs….do these things for your children and your grand children. We must become a voting block which is large enough to regain control. We are engaged in a battle for control of our national destiny. What happens during the next few years will shape the future of our nation for decades to come.
In the words of the television newscaster who went berserk on television in the award winning movie, NETWORK…."I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!" His ravings encouraged all of his listeners to go to a window and yell that phrase as loudly as they could. He started a movement with his words. We need to do the same.
If we can…….We Will BE Getting It Right!
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Hatcher Publications.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Smoke and Mirrors Show in Marianna

Citizens are denied the opportunity to vote on an important issue relating
to the future costs of operating the City.
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"The Marianna City Commissioners have voted to renew the Florida Public Utilities ten year franchise instead of having option to purchase the utility decided by a referendum of the citizens in the city."
In my opinion, the actions of the Marianna City Commissioners and their special advisory committee resulted in a disservice to the citizens of Marianna in the matter of the Florida Public Utilities franchise renewal. The residents of Marianna are now forced to buy their electric power from FPU for atleast another decade, and probably for generations to come. This was an important issue which related to the very serious infrastructure problems the city will face in the coming months and years. The opportunity to create an electric utility as a partial solution has now been lost.
Why did I favor creating a municipal utility in this instance? What additional evaluations and considerations should have been made before making this decision? I will attempt to answer these questions.
Issue: 1. Control over management and operating procedures
I had much rather have the decisions relating to my electric bill, deposit requirements, collection procedures, and future rates made by local citizens who I can talk to, and who I can vote for or against in elections….than have those decisions made by some executive in South Florida, or even worse by a political appointee made by the Governor in response to the political donations made by Utilities who use this influence to control the Public Service Commission. The existing system is flawed and corrupt. We could have regained some local control over our destiny.
Issue: 2. Demonstrated Personality of FPU
Through the actions taken by the management of FPU during the past two years, I feel they have demonstrated a total corporate focus on profitability with little regard to the needs of the communities and residents they serve. Specifically, the approaches taken by FPU in the following instances demonstrate to me a lack of concern for their customers, or a pervasive ineptness in management…or both.
● Security Deposits: The manner in which the arbitrary, sudden decision to require virtually every resident customer to double their outstanding security deposit to the company was implemented in a cruel, harsh manner. This demand should have been only for clients with demonstrated bad credit and payment performance. If it had to be done to virtually everyone, then they should have provided an option to pay an overcharge over a six month period to create the extra deposit. The manner in which they accomplished this change was an abuse of their monopolistic position.
● Fuel Adjustment Charges: As part of the seven rate increases which have moved the rates in Marianna to among the highest charges in the state, FPU used as justification before the Public Service Commission the need for increases to cover projected fuel increase add-ons charged to them by Gulf Power. FPU pushed these allowances to the maximum levels allowed with no regard to the struggling families that would be impacted. I understand that this overcharge has created a reserve fund which now must be adjusted downward. In the meantime, many residents have lost control over money desperately needed for their families.
● Manner of Installing Rate Increases: At the beginning of 2008 as a result of their new contract with Gulf Power, FPU installed rate increases which effectively doubled the monthly electric bills for its customers. For many families in Marianna this created a tremendous hardship. Some found themselves deciding between medicine and food vs. paying their electric bill. These increases could have been installed in a much more humane manner, with the increase being added over a period of time, and special accommodations being made to those with demonstrated problems created by this change to their budget. Instead, it was "Pay within fifteen days or be cut off", and then pay a huge reconnection fee. Again, they abused their monopolistic advantage.
● Negotiating An Ill Conceived Contract With Gulf Power: "It is by far the worse contract with a producer I have ever seen a utility enter into", was the description used by the City’s consultant, Bill Herrington. The contract has no "peak demand" cost reductions, and absolutely requires FPU to purchase the amount of power used the previous year, plus 4%. This means that even if customers engage in wonderful conservation procedures and greatly reduce the power used….FPU still has to pay for it! Using fewer kilowatt hours actually increases the cost per KWH for FPU. This demonstrates a lack of understanding on the part of FPU management, or a lack of caring since they know the PSC will allow them to pass their costs on to the consumer.
● Miss-billing approximately $300,000 over the past five years, which gave the county all of the franchise fee funds that were supposed to go to the City from Family Dollar, since the industrial park where Family Dollar is located was annexed by the city as part of the project to create the park. Again, this demonstrates a lack of professionalism.
Issue 3: The Need for Revenues:
For me, this is perhaps the most critical part of the decision. During the evaluations, a clear financial picture of what profits are being generated for FPU from Marianna operations could never be determined. From my years of industrial experience, I know FPU is certainly engaging in "creative accounting" which will hold their tax payments on profits to a minimum.
FPU recently declared a $3.7 Million dollar dividend to shareholders. They have many reserves and funds set aside for contingencies, they operate an expensive headquarters in South Florida which absorbs profits, they make significant political donations, they pay federal taxes on their profits…all of these items would not be a factor in the cost structure of a municipal utility, and are indications of significant profitability and cash flow.
Additionally, Marianna currently pays an annual electric bill which approaches $1 Million dollars. If they owned the utility, they would effectively only be paying wholesale cost for the power used.
I intuitively feel the annual profit potential for the city if it operated the utility would be close to $1,000,000 per year….much higher than the figures used by the consultants. Marianna desperately needs those added revenues.
Issue 4: Marianna is approaching a crisis
Marianna is in a "no-growth" situation. The majority of new homes and commercial buildings in the area are being built outside the city boundaries. The affluent new home builders are locating in unincorporated areas. Simultaneously, businesses are building East of the Chipola and in Malloyville at the interstate.
As a result of the lack of new construction, the average value of homes and structures inside the city are diminishing. The families living in the city, when taken as an average, demonstrate a declining average gross income level per household. This condition can be expected to worsen over the next twenty years. Meanwhile, the City faces a whopping $30 million dollar need for replacing a leaking city water system, leaking sewer systems, inadequate storm water drainage, and streets full of pot holes and cracks.
The City is facing the dilemma of an increasing demand for revenues in the face of a declining ability to pay by the residents. As fees and taxes are raised in attempts to deal with these problems…more people will move out of the city to escape the higher cost of living in the city, the tax base and potential fee payers will continue to shrink, and conditions will worsen.
This electrical utility purchase and the potential revenues which it could have brought, would have gone a long way towards resolving this problem. Now, the commissioners and the residents are faced with only increased taxation and increased fees as a means for dealing with these growing problems. I see this FPU decision as a critical error for our city. I only wish I did not own two homes inside the city limits of Marianna.
In last week’s column I stated that I hoped our commissioners had "cahoonas" large enough to make this decision…..I guess they didn’t.
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● You just lost another of your personal freedoms of choice. Governor Crist signed into law a new version of the state seat belt requirements. After June 30 you can be stopped if a cop observes anyone riding in a front seat unbelted. The fines will range from $93 to $119 state wide. Based on the number of fines given last year under the old law, I would estimate this new version will enable the state to reap approximately $20,000,000 from the traveling public. Public safety or budget shortfall…which do you think really motivates the Tallahassee bunch and the Governor in this matter? If they were really interested in safety and not revenues, they might have discussed the motorcycle helmet regulations. In my opinion, the real role of Big Brother in this instance should be to educate the public as to why they should buckle up…..and then leave the choice up to the individual.
● Even though you are only poking around city streets at 35 MPH, the city boys are trying to get in on the action, so they are putting on a big "Safety" campaign in Marianna and Cottondale. Click it or feed the kitty!
● Also, the legislature raised your taxes last week. They call them "fees" but they are really taxes. They raised almost every one of the hundreds of fees they collect from us. The new rates will cost each of us another $100 or so each year.
● The "crats" in Tallahassee are playing the same old games - cut education, parks, and similar items which will make the public mad. Meanwhile, ignore the thousands of unnecessary bureaucrats filling those government skyscrapers in Tallahassee. Clint Cox stated it well last week when he noted the logic of building unnecessary sidewalks while we eliminate teaching jobs.
● Definition of Politics = "The conduct of public affairs, for private advantage".
● Stick your head out of your car window as you drive by a government building and yell "I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!! ...and you will be "Getting It Right."
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

“Enough Is Enough! It Is Time To Stop The Foolishness”

This column is a conservative viewpoint of various government activities and issues of our times which are impacting our liberties, freedoms, rights, and personal incomes. I hope that at times reading this column will stimulate interest and action.
“The state has issued one of those infamous unfunded mandates. This mandate relates to an ill conceived and wasteful, bureaucratic approach to assure compliance with the Disabled Americans Act relating to voting.”
The State legislature in response to the HAVA Act (Helping Americans Vote Act) of 2002 has issued instructions to all state Supervisors of Elections that every Florida county must by the 2012 elections voting machines which enable every person with disabilities to vote on a voter interface device which meets voter accessibility requirements as defined in this Act., This has been interpreted by the bureaucracy to mean that at every polling location, a special voting machine which is designed to accommodate a variety of disabilities is required. These machines cost $7200 each.
Since Jackson County has historically utilized twenty- five polling locations in order to make voting as convenient as possible for our citizens, compliance with this new order would create an extra expenditure of $180,000 of our local tax dollars to purchase 25 of these machines, most of which would never be used. In conversation with Sylvia Stephens, Jackson County Supervisor of Elections, I learned that in our last election, only four handicapped voters were registered for the primary vote, and seven for the final general election.
Additionally, Mrs. Stephens states that due to the new process of enabling “early voting” and increased use of “absentee voting”, only 48% of those who voted actually came to the polling locations. In future elections, early voting is expected to increase since early voting sites are planned for Sneads and Graceville, as well as the existing one in Marianna. This new trend further reduces the need for installing these special machines for the handicapped at EVERY polling location, as some liberal, free spending Tallahassee bureaucrat has demanded.
In order to hold the cost of compliance with this edict to a minimum, our County Commission is evaluating various options developed by Mrs. Stephens which would reduce the number of county polling sites to eleven. Now, this reduction may be a good idea in light of the reduced voting activity actually occurring at polling sites, it still would involve unnecessarily spending approximately $60,000 on these special machines for our seven disabled voters.
It would be less costly for us to hire a limousine and a uniformed driver to go to the home of each of these disabled voters and take them to the polls in style. Another less costly approach would be to have Mrs. Stephens personally take the ballots to their homes and give them personalized attention on voting.
Seriously, there are other approaches which are much less costly and wasteful, that could be used and still provide the level of accommodation due these few unfortunate disabled voters. I would recommend the following approaches be considered by our Commissioners:
● Purchase three of these special machines, one for each early voting location. Then make arrangements with J-Tran to on a schedule desired by the disabled voter, go to their individual residence in one of their specially equipped vans, pick up the voter and transport them to the nearest of the three polling sites, and then return them to their residence.
● OR, …Have a certified poll worker take the ballot to their residence on a schedule determined by the disabled voter, and allow them to vote in the presence of the certified poll worker, in the convenience of their own home.
● OR,…Purchase a fourth of these $7200 special voting machines and design a method of placing the unit in a mobile utility trailer. On a schedule determined by the disabled voter, have the machine delivered to the voter’s residence and allow the voter to vote in his driveway, in the trailer, on the machine.
This costly edict creates an opportunity for us all to make a stand against foolish, unnecessary waste generated by State and Federal bureaucracies. To buy all of these machines for seven voters is a flagrant waste of funding at a time it should not be tolerated. The Division of Elections under the Secretary of State in Tallahassee has rendered this interpretation to the statutes. I do not believe causing this unnecessary, wasteful expenditure was the intent of the legislatures which created these laws. It is an example of CYA overkill created by inept bureaucrats.
I urge voters to use this as an example of unnecessary waste and to encourage our legislators to clarify the wording of the statutes so that adequate accommodation of the needs of disabled citizens is provided without creating unnecessary expenses in over-compliance. We should meet the needs of the seven disabled voters in Jackson County by purchasing three of these machines which will be placed at the three early voting polling sites, and the county will coordinate with these voters to provide transportation for them in a properly equipped vehicle.
If every county in the State, and perhaps in the country blindly complies with this bureaucratic interpretation of the statutes regarding voting for the disabled, millions of tax payer dollars will be thrown away unnecessarily. I say it is time for us to stop this kind of foolish behavior, and we can thus begin to “Get it Right”!
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● The group that organized the “Tea Party” on Tax Day in Marianna is going to hold another rally on the evening of May 14 at the Ag Center. You are encouraged to come and participate.
● Our Government, in its rush to spend money has gone “eco-crazy”. For every green job created, two other jobs are lost as a result of the extra expenditures and restrictions caused by the environmental regulations.
● The Administration is about to levy a HUGE new tax on electric utilities in the form of requiring government permits for emissions created by their plants. Of course these extra costs will eventually be passed on to every business and household in the nation, creating in effect a giant new tax. It is being done in the pretense of worry about the environment, when it is actually a funding measure for the out of control spending which is now underway.
● I commend the
Marianna City Commission on the manner in which they have approached evaluating the issue of providing electrical service to the citizens of the City.
● “When the citizens fear their government, it is tyranny, When government fears its citizens, it is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessrily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Era of The Liberals"

For conservatives, this is an era of inquisition, a return to the Dark Ages for our basic freedoms and capitalistic spirit.

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"Simon Says…..America, Take One Giant, Liberal Leap to the Left!"
Liberals have suddenly emerged from every dark, forgotten corner of our national society after years of laying in hidden seclusion and suppression among the vermin and roaches, a condition begun after the liberal regime of Jimmy Carter almost ruined the economy. Their plight continued during the boom era which occurred during the presidential terms of Ronald Reagan. After years of being afraid to boldly expound their beliefs about key social and economic issues, they now suddenly find themselves again in charge of the nation. They have full control.
There is so much craziness occurring at such a rapid rate, that I am having a difficult time controlling myself. The "Green Programs", Secular Progressive Changes, and corrupt payola actions to pay back special interests for campaign donations are all coming so fast and in such quantities that I perpetually suffer from indigestion and dizziness. Some of the proposals are so ridiculous it is difficult to realize the proponents are actually serious and are not trying to be humorous.
The bankrupt State of California continues to be a hub of lunacy, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Dianne Feinstein and a host of raving liberals. California is so engrossed in the green movement craze it is impossible for it’s agricultural and business sectors to function. Meanwhile, ultra liberal entitlements and costly special interest social programs drain what revenues the state does realize. As a result, the State of California is bankrupt, and if it was a business instead of a government…it would go out of business, lay off its huge bureaucracy, and disappear.
Meanwhile Pelosi soars across the country each week in her private, government provided huge jumbo jet which is usually almost empty. While she is back home in California she promotes the "green craze", and scolds citizens for driving SUV’s. Simultaneously, California Senator Feinstein is busy having banking legislation passed which gives her husband’s company a financial boon by giving it the task of disposing of thousands of foreclosed homes the government has on its hands. This legislation just happened to be passed a few days after Feinstein’s husband bought $10,000,000 in additional stock in the company with their family savings. Ain’t that convenient!
Things have worked out so well for the liberals in California they want to now use it as a model for the entire nation to follow. Demonize the Church, promote the gay movement, encourage abortions, sign a UN treaty to make it illegal for a parent to spank their child, select a gay judge for a beauty contest and allow him to ask liberal questions and then penalize contestants who disagree with him, go around the world and apologize for everything the US has ever done, bow to the Arab Sheiks, hob-nob with Hugo Chavez, decide that Kennedy was wrong and Communistic Cuba is really a friend, apologize to Mexico for causing their drug problems, pass rules which only allows interrogators of terrorists to say "pretty please" while questioning them, give ACORN millions of stimulus dollars so they can continue to register illegal voters, spend billions on unnecessary studies, skating rinks, sidewalks, museums, libraries for politicians legacies, bailouts of industries in order to keep their unions funded, take over the banking system so you can arrange loans for those who have helped you get into power, socialize industries and demonize capitalism,
pass legislation to do away with the secret ballot in union elections and call it "fairness", pass legislation to force the media to give a liberal loonie equal time every time a conservative talk host speaks and call it "freedom of speech", tax farmers for allowing their cows to pass gas and pollute the air, spend billions of borrowed money on added entitlements and benefits for the non productive elements of our society, add taxes to the electric utilities because they pollute the air (even though the poor struggling public will actually pay these taxes), appoint an admitted tax cheat to be the Director of the Treasury and head of the IRS, give tax refunds to those who do not even pay any taxes, while you increase taxes heavily on those who have been paying taxes, reinstate the death tax so that government can eventually take over all property, allow all of your political friends to add tons of pork to the budget as a means of buying everyone’s continuing support, ignore Alaska and off-shore drilling, nuclear energy, oil shale mining, and natural gas distribution in your energy independence programs, promote costly "green" environmental regulations even though we are not sure global warming is man-caused, increase the size of government at all levels while industry disappears due to free trade policies, and continue to give glowing, inspirational speeches.
Whew!! What a first 100 days it has been…I don’t know if I can stand 1,359 more of them!
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● Those poor little "White House Boys" have been busy having a video made which shows what a bad community Marianna is, how we ignored the terrible abuses which were occurring at Dozier, and how undeserving they were. This is all a prelude to their attempt to extort millions from our state politicians.
● The Marianna City Commission is about to tackle a decision which will impact the citizens of the city and municipal operations for decades to come. It is a difficult decision which must be approached with wisdom and caution. I hope they have the "cahoonas" to do the right thing.
● The United Nations has issued a report which states that global warming may be more serious than they first thought. This is really bad, since their first report stated it might destroy the planet.
● Keep praying and try to stay calm…and you will be "Getting It Right".
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Hatcher Publications.