For conservatives, this is an era of inquisition, a return to the Dark Ages for our basic freedoms and capitalistic spirit.
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"Simon Says…..America, Take One Giant, Liberal Leap to the Left!"
Liberals have suddenly emerged from every dark, forgotten corner of our national society after years of laying in hidden seclusion and suppression among the vermin and roaches, a condition begun after the liberal regime of Jimmy Carter almost ruined the economy. Their plight continued during the boom era which occurred during the presidential terms of Ronald Reagan. After years of being afraid to boldly expound their beliefs about key social and economic issues, they now suddenly find themselves again in charge of the nation. They have full control.
There is so much craziness occurring at such a rapid rate, that I am having a difficult time controlling myself. The "Green Programs", Secular Progressive Changes, and corrupt payola actions to pay back special interests for campaign donations are all coming so fast and in such quantities that I perpetually suffer from indigestion and dizziness. Some of the proposals are so ridiculous it is difficult to realize the proponents are actually serious and are not trying to be humorous.
The bankrupt State of California continues to be a hub of lunacy, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Dianne Feinstein and a host of raving liberals. California is so engrossed in the green movement craze it is impossible for it’s agricultural and business sectors to function. Meanwhile, ultra liberal entitlements and costly special interest social programs drain what revenues the state does realize. As a result, the State of California is bankrupt, and if it was a business instead of a government…it would go out of business, lay off its huge bureaucracy, and disappear.
Meanwhile Pelosi soars across the country each week in her private, government provided huge jumbo jet which is usually almost empty. While she is back home in California she promotes the "green craze", and scolds citizens for driving SUV’s. Simultaneously, California Senator Feinstein is busy having banking legislation passed which gives her husband’s company a financial boon by giving it the task of disposing of thousands of foreclosed homes the government has on its hands. This legislation just happened to be passed a few days after Feinstein’s husband bought $10,000,000 in additional stock in the company with their family savings. Ain’t that convenient!
Things have worked out so well for the liberals in California they want to now use it as a model for the entire nation to follow. Demonize the Church, promote the gay movement, encourage abortions, sign a UN treaty to make it illegal for a parent to spank their child, select a gay judge for a beauty contest and allow him to ask liberal questions and then penalize contestants who disagree with him, go around the world and apologize for everything the US has ever done, bow to the Arab Sheiks, hob-nob with Hugo Chavez, decide that Kennedy was wrong and Communistic Cuba is really a friend, apologize to Mexico for causing their drug problems, pass rules which only allows interrogators of terrorists to say "pretty please" while questioning them, give ACORN millions of stimulus dollars so they can continue to register illegal voters, spend billions on unnecessary studies, skating rinks, sidewalks, museums, libraries for politicians legacies, bailouts of industries in order to keep their unions funded, take over the banking system so you can arrange loans for those who have helped you get into power, socialize industries and demonize capitalism,
pass legislation to do away with the secret ballot in union elections and call it "fairness", pass legislation to force the media to give a liberal loonie equal time every time a conservative talk host speaks and call it "freedom of speech", tax farmers for allowing their cows to pass gas and pollute the air, spend billions of borrowed money on added entitlements and benefits for the non productive elements of our society, add taxes to the electric utilities because they pollute the air (even though the poor struggling public will actually pay these taxes), appoint an admitted tax cheat to be the Director of the Treasury and head of the IRS, give tax refunds to those who do not even pay any taxes, while you increase taxes heavily on those who have been paying taxes, reinstate the death tax so that government can eventually take over all property, allow all of your political friends to add tons of pork to the budget as a means of buying everyone’s continuing support, ignore Alaska and off-shore drilling, nuclear energy, oil shale mining, and natural gas distribution in your energy independence programs, promote costly "green" environmental regulations even though we are not sure global warming is man-caused, increase the size of government at all levels while industry disappears due to free trade policies, and continue to give glowing, inspirational speeches.
Whew!! What a first 100 days it has been…I don’t know if I can stand 1,359 more of them!
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● Those poor little "White House Boys" have been busy having a video made which shows what a bad community Marianna is, how we ignored the terrible abuses which were occurring at Dozier, and how undeserving they were. This is all a prelude to their attempt to extort millions from our state politicians.
● The Marianna City Commission is about to tackle a decision which will impact the citizens of the city and municipal operations for decades to come. It is a difficult decision which must be approached with wisdom and caution. I hope they have the "cahoonas" to do the right thing.
● The United Nations has issued a report which states that global warming may be more serious than they first thought. This is really bad, since their first report stated it might destroy the planet.
● Keep praying and try to stay calm…and you will be "Getting It Right".
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Hatcher Publications.
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