Cliptoons by S&S

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Any More!!"

Remarks made at 2nd "Tea Party" Meeting
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
This column is the speech delivered by this writer at the "Concerned Americans" 2nd Tea Party meeting on May 14. Over one hundred concerned Americans were present.
In 1961 at a meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations, at the height of the cold war with Russia, Russian Premier Nikita Kruchev took off one of his boots and beat on the podium for emphasis as he yelled, "Russia does not have to destroy the United States with missiles, it will destroy itself from within!"
Was he correct? Is that what is happening at this moment?
"We have heard the other meaningful statement, "A democracy in which all citizens can vote will fail when the unproductive elements become the majority, and they discover they have access to the public treasury".
How do you destroy a nation from within?
● You destroy the family unit structure of the society. Over 40% of the children being born in America are born to unwed mothers. They have no recognizable father, they have no family unit.
● You reduce the influence of religion and moral restraints within the society. Religion is being attacked on many fronts, restricting prayer, diminishing religious holidays, removing religion from all educational processes. Amoral behavior is condoned and even encouraged in the media.
● You reduce national pride and self esteem. Liberals are proclaiming America to be a cruel, aggressive nation. They ignore our acts of benevolence, sharing, and honor in the international arena.
● You condone political corruption and unethical behavior among leaders. Failure to pay taxes, bribery, extortion, hypocrisy, and self serving behavior is commonplace at all levels of government.
● You gain control of the media. A major portion of the national media which is controlled by monopolistic conglomerates, is ultraliberal and continually distorts and edits the news in a brainwashing routine for the American public. Simultaneously they work to repress the access of the conservative media to the public ear through legislative action.
● You Use Constitutional interpretations to implement their liberal agendas. Within the next few years they will have the opportunity to create one of the most liberal Supreme Courts in history. The impact of their rulings will undoubtedly accelerate the liberal cause.
● You weaken the educational processes by lowering standards and teaching liberal, social philosophies. Federal funding has enabled the federal bureaucracy to control our nation’s educational systems. As a result, our national educational level has fallen from being the best in the world to being far down the international rating scale. An intentional "dumbing of America" is underway. An uneducated citizenry is easier to control.
● You alter the economic system by moving to socialism. Redistribution of wealth, a huge, big brother government which provides all citizens with their food, housing, medical care, and total life regulation is the evolution which is now underway.
The basic foundations of our nation are being moved. This includes our Moral Foundations, our Religious Foundations, our Economic Foundations, our Social Foundations, and our Ethical Foundations.
When our forefathers penned our constitution and Bill of Rights, the primary issue of that day was States Rights Vs. Federal Rights. The thirteen colonies had been functioning as independent countries, and they were now banding together to create the United States of America. They wanted to retain as much power as possible at the local, state level, while the power of the central federal government was very limited. They felt the only function of the federal government should be protection of the national shores, regulation of international trade, and international representation with Ambassadors. No mention was made of a right to tax or regulate state activities.
If our forefathers could only see the federal government as it is fashioned today. They would scream in horror at what has evolved, despite their attempt to restrict the federal influence as they wrote the constitution and Bill of Rights. And as we move into socialism, the Big Brother of the Federal Establishment is gaining total control over all state and local governments.
In 1861 our nation moved into an era where the nation was terribly divided over issues of trade and slavery, and a vicious civil war erupted. We are similarly divided again one hundred and fifty years later over issues of liberalism vs. conservatives, socialism vs. capitalism, federal control vs. states rights, secular progressives vs. the Religious Right.
The balance has evolved to a point where these factions are almost equal, each struggling for control. The liberals are thus pushing to gain control through increasing their numbers by encouraging open borders, ignoring immigration laws, giving amnesty and voting rights to millions of illegal aliens, encouraging and condoning illegal voting practices and any other measure which provides them with added voting strength. They are working diligently to tilt the scales permanently in their direction.
I do not consider myself a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I AM A CONSERVATIVE! I want the minimum possible amount of government interference and regulation in my life. I want to make all of my own decisions, unless they somehow harm or diminish those rights for another citizen. I feel there should be no free rides in society. I believe in personal responsibility for one’s actions and status in life. I feel government’s role is to educate, inform, assure fairness prevails, to sponsor research and growth, and to protect us from international aggression.
What kind of conservative are you? There are many elements of being a conservative, and each of us has degrees of personal involvement with each of these elements. For instance:
Secular Progressive Vs. Religious Right
Issues include – Prayer in schools, abortion, stem cell research, observance of religious holidays, rights of parents, gay marriage, pornography, cultism, single parents
Social Liberals Vs. Social Conservatives
Issues include – Welfare, socialized medicine, entitlements, redistribution of wealth, personal responsibility, self reliance, regulation of industries
Fiscal Liberals Vs. Fiscal Conservatives
Issues Include – Big Brother control of economy, taxation, level of government control, level of government services, property rights, codes, permitting, fees, oversight states rights vs. federal rights vs. personal rights
Each of us has differing opinions and would accord differing levels of importance to this range of issues. In some instances I would classify myself as a moderate, while in others I feel very strongly about and would be at the utmost conservative end of the scale. However, I would rarely venture into the liberal arena in my personal rankings.
The task before us is to ‘RECLAIM OUR NATION’! We must end the corruption…defend our basic beliefs…believe that being absolutely correct is more important than being politically correct…restore fiscal responsibility and sanity….remove the hands of the self serving and undeserving from the public pocketbook….and most importantly, RESTORE AMERICA.
Be Intolerant, Be Informed, Be Patriotic, Be Vocal, Be Active, Stand up for your beliefs….do these things for your children and your grand children. We must become a voting block which is large enough to regain control. We are engaged in a battle for control of our national destiny. What happens during the next few years will shape the future of our nation for decades to come.
In the words of the television newscaster who went berserk on television in the award winning movie, NETWORK…."I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!" His ravings encouraged all of his listeners to go to a window and yell that phrase as loudly as they could. He started a movement with his words. We need to do the same.
If we can…….We Will BE Getting It Right!
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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