Cliptoons by S&S

Friday, January 28, 2011

“Free Trade” Does Not Mean “Fair Trade”

The U.S. Economy is Suffering From a Policy which allows “Unfair” Free Trade – During the 1990’s the political bandwagon of the moment was total endorsement of the concepts of “global marketing”, “free trade”, and “the global marketplace”. Political leaders of both parties were quick to accept these concepts, and consequently during the era of Bill Clinton’s presidency world changing trade agreements were consummated. Among these were NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), and the granting of ‘Most Favored Trading Status for China”. In reality, our astute politicians of that day gave away the farm. Locally, Senator Bob Graham and Representative Earl Hutto both voted for the measures. It remains uncertain how our politicians supported these trade deals for personal gain and how many rendered their support out of ignorance. That era was when Ross Perot accurately forecasted a “giant sucking sound” as jobs left America.
During the fifteen years which have passed since those unfortunate trade deals were consummated, thousands of U.S. companies have closed their domestic factories, and have begun sourcing their production needs in Mexico and Asia. In the process, the industrial foundations which have been the bulwark of America’s economy have been removed, and millions of industrial jobs have been lost. We are left with a weak, inadequate, service and technology based economy which does not begin to provide the needed number of jobs for full employment of the American labor force.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Cost of Living In Our Amoral Society

The horrendous attempt by the husband of a disgruntled Bay County school system worker to kill members of the School Board caused us all to watch in dismay as the scene was repeatedly shown on national television. It was a stupid, evil, and fortunately, unsuccessful act.
However, the occurrence of that incident has apparently now caused many school systems to feel the need to employ security to attend future school board meetings. That is now the case here in Jackson County. This is just another unfortunate cost which the citizens will ultimately pay for. These and many other costs have been created because we live in an amoral society.
In 1987 at the court house in Port St. Joe an irate husband shot and killed Judge W.L. Bailey …. As a result, every court house in the state is not filled with deputies working as personal body guards for every judge. This is a huge cost to taxpayers.
In 1993 a gang of young thugs attempted to rob some sleeping British tourists at a rest stop near Monticello. After terrorizing the family, they ended up killing the husband, Gary Colley. Since that event, the tax payers of Florida have paid millions of dollars for providing 24 hour security at every rest stop in the state. Another huge public cost created out of reaction to violence.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Speaker “Wow’s Them” At Tea Party Meeting

On Tuesday evening the Concerned American Patriots local Tea Party organization held its January meeting. The featured speaker for the event was a nationally recognized, black, conservative, dedicated American patriot named Frantz Kebreau. He delivered a message which astounded those in attendance.
Kebreau is an astounding individual himself. His grandfather was once President of Haiti. Frantz is a native born American, an honors college graduate, a highly decorated naval aviator who flew off the carrier “Independence”, a commercial airlines pilot, a father of five, and a dedicated American. He has put his lucrative flying career on hold in order to tour the nation and tell his inspiring and informative story. He is a “Great American”. He is also President of the NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of all Colors) organization.
His story was essentially a close examination of the history of slavery in America. However, his presentation included many astounding facts which are normally not included in school studies of the subject. He believes this exclusion is a planned part of the liberal, progressive, movement within our nation. He states that their intent is to create as much racial division as possible within the American social structure. The irony of the situation is the fact that the organizations to which most blacks and Hispanics hold their allegiance are the same organizations which historically have most enslaved the black population and restricted progress within the black culture.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

100 New Faces Arrive In Washington

This week 100 new faces arrived in Washington. Most of these new faces are attached to a highly motivated rookie legislator with a conservative mindset, intent on changing the way government is conducted in the hallowed halls of our national capitol.
The question to be settled is, “Will they be able to ‘change’ Washington…or will Washington change them?” Will they be consumed by the firmly established “system” which prevails within our monster system of government, as it has consumed so many before them? Will they be swayed and wooed from their pure intent by the temptress sirens of the lobbyists? Will they allow themselves to be hobbled, castrated, and nose led by the party leadership? Hopefully not… our nation’s future depends on them.
On the home front, we must be careful to not expect the impossible. We must not become disillusioned at the pace and degree of change they are able to enact. Two more elections must transpire before the new wave of conservatism can truly take charge of the processes and systems which are so deeply entrenched within our government. At present, we can only hope to alter and slow the march of the Liberal Progressive Socialists movement which remains in control of the Senate, the Executive functions, and most of the massive federal bureaucracies.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!