Cliptoons by S&S

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Getting It Right - The Many Issues Of Our Day….Have You Formed Your Position On Each Of Them?

This column presents a non-partisan, conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week: (This will be a two part presentation)

There are many, many important issues facing us collectively as citizens of the United States, as Floridians, and as residents of Jackson County. These issues involve many facets of our lives including matters that are social, environmental, personal, financial, family, religious, criminal, judicial, political, medical, educational, and even sexual in nature. Have you studied each and developed a personal philosophy in each arena?


In this column I will try to present many of these issues for consideration. Developing your own, unique opinions is one of your valued personal rights.

Social Issues:
♦ Should one of government’s roles be to redistribute wealth from those who have acquired wealth to the less fortunate?
♦ What needs should government provide for its citizens? Housing? Food? Medical Care? Child Care? Education? Safety from aggression from other nations? Safety from criminals? Safety from personal risks taking actions? College? A Job? Senior Care? Minimum Income and standard of living? Medicine? Fire Protection? Utilities? Transportation? Everything possible to assist those with handicaps? Legal advice? Clothing? Recreation? The Arts? Telephone Service? Television? Computer Availability and service?
♦ Should disability pay be removed from the Social Security funding?

Environmental Issues:
♦ Since our economy is being crippled by the cost of Mid East oil, and citizens are beginning to suffer financially due to the high cost of energy, should drilling off Florida’s shores be allowed? In Alaska?
♦ Should the U.S. begin to build additional refineries?
♦ Should the U. S. build additional nuclear power plants?
♦ Should a property owner have the right to cut trees that are on his own land?
♦ Should a property owner have the right to drill a well for water? To construct a septic tank? To build his house to his own specifications? To dig a pond?
♦ Should local governments be able to modify EPA requirements?
♦ What should take precedence on local, small environmental issues– Personal rights, property rights, EPA regulations, city rights, county rights, states rights?
♦ What is your opinion as to whether man or nature is causing global warming?
♦ Should the EPA be forced to make the water retention pond regulations more flexible and tailored to the need of each project, site drainage provisions, and soil conditions?
♦ Do you feel the Fish and Wildlife Commission over-regulates salt water fishing? Fresh water fishing? Hunting?

Personal Issues:
♦ Should government have the right to force you to fasten a seat belt? Children on a school bus? A golf cart? On an airliner? A helmet when riding a motorcycle?
♦ Should government have the right to force you to immunize your children?
♦ Should government be able to stop your car at road blocks at will with no justification?
♦ Should you be able to wear "Baggy Pants"? Thong bathing suits" Nothing?
♦ Should government have access to your medical records? Your bank records? Your telephone records? To listen to your conversations? To your computer records? To film you without your knowledge?

Financial Issues-
♦ Should government take a bigger percentage of income from the wealthy than from the middle or low earners?
♦ What should be the maximum percentage the government should tax?
♦ Should everyone be taxed? Should tax be paid on social security income?
♦ Should estates be taxed upon a person’s death (death tax), thus forcing families to be forced to sell the family farm or business just to pay the taxes?
♦ Should the tax system make marriage more expensive?
♦ Should the tax system be so complex citizens are forced to hire accountants to figure out how much to pay? Do you favor a flat tax? The Fair Tax Plan? A national sales tax?
♦ Does the IRS have too much power? Does it abuse it’s power?
♦ Should Capital Losses be treated differently than Capital Gains?
♦ Should the Earned Income Credit be eliminated?

Family Issues:
♦ Should government have the right to prohibit you from spanking your child? Working your child? Educating your child?
♦ Can government prohibit you from owning a gun? A bow and arrow? A knife? A club? Can government force you to register and license each?
♦ Can government enter and search your home?
♦ Can government provide birth control pills for your daughter without your knowledge or permission? An abortion? Sex education?

Religious Issues:
♦ Should all religion be separated from government? At public buildings? At schools? At the start of public events? Government sessions? From our money? From our Pledge of Allegiance? From court proceedings?
♦ Should abortion be legal? Never? Only during first term? Only outlawed during late term? Is this a personal and religious issue instead of a legal issue?
♦ Should stem cell research be allowed? Cloning research? Genetic engineering?
♦ Should churches be tax exempt? Parsonages? Recreational facilities? Church businesses?
♦ Do you believe in the death penalty for heinous crimes?
This ends Part One of this subject. It will be continued in next week’s column.

♦ We welcome Jim Dean to the Marianna City Manager position. We wish him good fortune and wise decision making in the months to come.
♦ The Florida Legislature is busy looking out for our best interest. Instead of solving our economic problems, drug problems, gasoline problems, insurance problems, or property tax problems…..they are busy passing a law that tells our schools how to deal with students wearing baggy pants to school.
♦ If you live or work in Marianna, please take time to participate in the political forum that will be held on Thursday, April 3, just days before the city election for the new Chief of Police.
♦ I applaud the County Commissioners for deferring the $18,000,000 new administration building construction project. We should all now work to urge them to purchase the old Wal-Mart building before it becomes occupied again.
♦ Spring has sprung upon us and all of Jackson County is a blooming flower….what a glorious place we live in! (Especially for those who do not have allergies!)

I hope you will take time to list the issues presented in this column and you will develop your personal opinion on each. Then go out and figure out which candidates best coincide with your beliefs….Then vote when the time comes. Do these things and you will be "Getting It Right"!

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