"What is really going on in the U.S. economy?"
I still hear politicians and economists on television talk shows referring to the current downturn in the U. S. economy as a "recessionary cycle". From this reference it is obvious they feel we are merely in a routine period of correction and after a few months our economy will rebound into more sustained growth and prosperity. ….I wish they were correct.
I believe this is much more than a "normal business cycle". In my opinion the U.S. economy is experiencing a major change in direction. It is entering a phase of prolonged declining growth due to the combined impact of several external factors. As a result, for the first time since the nation exited the Great Depression of the 1930’s, our citizens now face a prolonged period of worsening standards of living.
This unfortunate situation has been precipitated by several factors, most of which are today beyond our scope of control. For the past two hundred years our nation and its economy has been nurtured and managed within a "cocoon of security" that allowed it to grow and flourish as our population grew, our national wealth expanded, and needed technologies developed. We were always able to control the pulse of our economy since virtually all of the contributing ingredients that were involved were all internal to our nation and available for manipulation by our leadership. This condition existed well into the 1980’s.
Then, in the late 1980’s things began to change……
• Our domestic petroleum reserves significantly depleted and our leaders allowed us to become more and more dependent on Mideast oil.
• The environmental movement became the "bandwagon of the decade" and all politicians wanted to get a "green stamp" showing they supported the environmentalist. As a result, severe restrictions and bans were placed on exploring and drilling for oil in Alaska, off shore and rocky mountain shale. Building of refineries was outlawed. Simultaneously the increased use of nuclear power was prohibited, and use of coal was curtailed. We became totally dependent on Mideast oil while our politicians fought over and discussed, and re-discussed a non-existent "national energy policy".
• Then another "bandwagon" movement began. This time it wore the clever name tags of "Free Trade" and "Global Economy". Again, most of our politicians jumped aboard this flawed concept, and several trade agreements were enacted to open our markets to the world, duty and quota free. As a result during the period from 1995 to 2005 we saw a major part of our industrial base move to Asia, especially China. We were not trading on an even playing field as our Politicians allowed free trade entry for foreign products while those same nations placed restrictions on our exports to them. This severe, sustained imbalance of trade subsequently weakened our dollar on foreign markets, and made Mideast oil become significantly more expensive to buy with U.S. dollars.
• Then throw in a vicious attack of our nation by terrorist on 9-11-01, deteriorating Mideast alliances, expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…..and soaring greed from the Mid-eastern Sheiks and OPEC who desire to use our thirst for oil as a way to strangle and destroy our economy…..and we have the condition of today.
In the face of this dilemma we have a divided, ineffective congress in the midst of a presidential election campaign. So, at a time when we need strong, effective leadership we find our boat adrift and foundering in a sea of dangerous torment. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Rudiments – Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
• The County Commissioners are in the process of reviewing departmental budget requests for the 2008-2009 county budget. I have attended some of these sessions and have the following observations;
• I applaud Roads and Bridges Supt. Al Green for his proposal to establish strategically located tank farms for fueling their equipment in order to save fuel wasted obtaining fuel in the existing system. Whether it is done by use of a tank truck going to the sites, or by use of remote tank farms, the concept appears to be valid. I also applaud all involved for taking an open minded approach to evaluating this proposal.
• I also applaud the Commissioners for digging deeper than normal as they evaluate each department’s budget request. Also their penetration of the "veil of secrecy" relating to the budgets within the offices of our Constitutional Officers was a much needed management step.
• On the negative side, they apparently are leaning towards granting a 2.5% increase to all county employees. I am sure this is much needed due to the escalating cost of electricity, fuel, and food….but we are all suffering. Remember, it is our tax dollars they are using.
• Please note the mosquito alert shown on page A3, issued by the health authorities. How can the EPA deny that they are creating a health hazard by requiring all projects to build water retention ponds in the midst of our population?
• Prediction: By the first of the year our unemployment rate will exceed 6%.
From my e-mail:
We used to have a strong dollar ... politicians changed that.
Life used to be sacred ... politicians changed that.
Marriage used to be sacred ... politicians are changing that.
We used to be respected around the world…politicians changed that.
We used to have a strong manufacturing economy ... politicians changed that.
We used to have lower tax structures ... politicians changed that.
We used to enjoy more freedoms ... politicians changed that.
We used to have property rights…politicians changed that.
We used to be a large exporter of American made goods ... politicians changed that.
We used to be an openly Christian nation .... politicians changed that.
We used to teach patriotism in schools ... politicians changed that.
We used to educate children in schools ... politicians changed that.
We used to enjoy freedom of speech ... politicians changed that.
We once had affordable food and gas prices...politicians changed that, too.
...and one could go on and on with this list.
What hasn’t changed is politicians promising to change everything for the betterment if you will elect them. When, oh when, is America going to sit back with open eyes and look at what we once were and say, enough is enough? The trouble is, America’s youthful voters today don’t know of the great America that existed forty and fifty years ago. They see the world as if it has always existed, as it is now. When will we wake up? Tomorrow may be too late. When will America realize ... A 20 year history of bad political actions and decisions is what is wrong with America?
Vote wisely this year….and you will be ‘Getting It Right"!
Note: The opinions expressed in the column are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hatcher Publications.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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