Cliptoons by S&S

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting It Right- Liberals have Short Memories

By: Sid Riley

" On this date seven years ago, 2,998 loyal, hard working Americans were killed while innocently going about their daily routines by a cowardly band of religious Muslim radicals. I will not forget!"

As I listen to anti-war, peace at any cost, pacifist, foolish, brainwashed liberals discuss Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and other septic tank sites around the world I can not believe my ears as I digest what they are proposing. It is unfathomable to me to realize that they have already forgotten the emotions stirred in our nation by 9-11. They propose to merely create harmonious international relations with the radical elements of these nations by engaging in peaceful "dialogue". Bullfeathers!!

Shortly after this attack, while our tempers were flared to their highest pitch, our President, George Bush led the charge into the deserts where the threats seemed to be the greatest for the launch of a second attack upon us and our allies. At that time he penned what was called "The Bush Doctrine".

Simply stated, this doctrine said "If you ain’t with us…then we consider you to be against us". If you are not our friend and ally against radical terrorism, then you are supporting those acts and are our enemy.

My main criticism of George W. Bush is that he did not strictly adhere to that eloquent doctrine. Many countries have demonstrated that they are not with us in this matter, yet we have not proclaimed them as enemies and treated them thusly. France, Germany, Russia, and others have not supported our efforts to make the Mid-eastern deserts environmentally clean of vermin.

Most of these countries have refused to assist us due to "liberal overload" in the population. This is a condition which unfortunately also exists in many areas of the United States. I have noted a peculiar phenomenon relating to liberalism….as an individual absorbs more and more liberal philosophy it seems to simultaneously create memory loss. As I listen to these liberal loonies proclaim their anti war, peace at all cost philosophy, I realize that they have completely forgotten 9-11 and the very real future dangers that exist for our society. To them there is no war against radical terrorism.

Well, I will not forget….I was there! I was in another building about 25 blocks away looking across at the first trade center when it fell. At that moment I realized I was watching thousands of people die as a result of a cowardly attack on our nation. The generation of World War II will never forget the sneak attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor….but at least that attack was military against military. To me, what they did to us in New York City on 9-11 was much worse. It was a thrust designed to hit the heart of our nation.

I sometimes think it might have been better if those valiant heroes on United Flight 93 had failed to stop the airplane from hitting the Capital Building. Perhaps if several hundred of our Washington politicians had also been killed our level of outrage would not be waning at this time. If that portion of their plan had succeeded our national resolve would have been even greater…..and perhaps these liberal loonies would still be able to remember.

Anyway, please take time to honor fallen 9-11 heroes and remember to vow to clean out the sub human desert trash that attacked us ….and you will be "Getting It Right".

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning
♦ I applaud the Marianna City Commission for evaluating their options before entering into a renewal agreement with the franchise for Florida Public Utilities. They may find some solutions that will "ease the pain" for the citizens of the city….I hope so.
♦ Work on Kelson is progressing at a fast pace…I saw a grader moving there the other day.
♦ Our beautiful, new $1,600,000 Emergency Operations Building is completed on schedule…..All we need now is a good emergency for the new Director to hide in while he tells us all what to do!
♦ Socialist Philosophy = "More government is the solution to the problem".Libertarian Philosophy = "More government is the problem".
- If you want to enjoy a canopied drive up Hwy 73 to Dothan, you had better go soon! In a few days the DOT will cut down all of those beautiful trees.
♦ My wife and I are bowling this season after skipping a year. During our first bowling night I noticed some new signs above the lanes that said "Do not cross the foul lane or you may slip and hurt yourself on the slick floor". I summoned the owner, Jeff Kendelspire and asked him if some bureaucrat inspector had made him put up that clever sign. He confirmed that it was a new requirement resulting from one of his many inspections. Folks, the code-a-crats have been crawling over this project like an angry swarm of fire ants, and this is just another example of their foolishness. Of course you will bust your butt if you step over the foul lane! Next week I expect to see that they have made him put up signs saying "If you put your hands into the ceiling fans, you will injure your fingers". How could we ever survive without this bureaucratic leadership?
Note: The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hatcher Publications.

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