Cliptoons by S&S

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting It Right- Things We Can Expect After the Liberals Take Command

By Sid Riley

"Hold onto your hat and hide your pocketbooks, The Liberals Are Coming!"
There is a strong possibility that during the next four years our nation will be ruled by a Congress that enjoys a wide liberal majority and a liberal President in control of the White House. This means that they will have the unbridled power to enact any legislation they wish….and they have plenty of new laws eagerly waiting in wings. All of the special interests, supporting movements, and bribe paying lobbyists will fill the corridors of the government chambers, all clamoring to call in the debts the legislators owe them.
In my opinion some of the things we can expect to appear in the oncoming landslide of legislation will include:
♦ Union Payback Time Legislation:
- The union movement has been casting millions of membership funds into the political arena for years, waiting for this moment to arrive. They will be pushing for several new laws that will strengthen their hold on the areas they work in, and to enable them to move into areas now forbidden or inaccessible.
o The first area they will attack is the 14 "Right to Work" states where unions are forced to bargain with employers in an "open shop" arrangement where the employees have a choice as to whether or not they wish to belong to a union. In the "closed shop" states, all employees of a company or organization must belong to the union if they want to work there. We can expect the "Right To Work" concept to be eliminated.
o For several years the unions have been pushing to abolish the secret ballot in union elections. They want to be able to identify those employees who vote against unionization, so they can enact reprisals and intimidation against them. We can expect the right to a secret union ballot to be abolished.
o There are several areas of government where unions have been prohibited from organizing and/or prohibited from the right to engage in strikes. This includes the aircraft controllers, and other areas of public service where public safety is a factor. We can expect the union grip on government functions to strengthen and widen. This will ultimately make the cost of government increase.
o Social Legislation Payback Time:
There are numerous special interest groups with social agendas that have also been shoveling money into the coffers of the liberal legislators for many years. From these we can expect many new laws to be pushed.
o Gay rights issues will be responded to by the liberal government as they pay back these organizations for their many years of loyal support. Gay marriage, gay lifestyles, right of adoption, public display of gay literature, and similar issues will all be legalized.
o Pro-abortion activities will push for government sponsored abortion programs for those in need. Government supported abortion clinics will reemerge.
o Radical environmental groups will push for more costly and restrictive legislation on industry and private individuals. Personal property rights will be further reduced and the strong arms of the EPA and State Environmental Agencies will be increased.
o The Judicial System will be further liberalized:
o Hundreds of Federal judges will be appointed by this government. These judges are virtually "un-removable" with lifelong terms of appointment. The thousands of liberally slanted decisions they will render will have a tremendous and lasting impact on our national body of law.
This incoming President and Congress will probably select several new supreme court justices. These appointments will liberalize the supreme court of the land for decades to come. We are just now evolving away from decades of irrational decisions emanating from the liberal court created by Lyndon Johnson and his liberal regime….now we are about to create another similarly minded court.
With Californian Nancy Pelosi and her liberal congressional majority in charge, our nation would endure changes throughout its structure. All of this comes at a time where our nation needs to unite in an effort to strengthen our weakening economy. May God help us!
Rudiments- Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ The Greg Howard racial incident at MMS has saddened me. It is very unfortunate that an individual’s foolish, inconsiderate act can cause so many old wounds to be opened. This is certainly not the perception I have of racial relationships in our community. However, I do believe some meaningful gains will result from this incident. First, I feel the School Board will work to strengthen school policy for racial incidents of all kinds. I would recommend prescribing four types of incidents and specific disciplines for each. These would be, 1. Reactive minor incident, 2. Reactive major incident, 3. Premeditated minor incident, and 4. Premeditated major incident. For the premeditated major incident the policy would be zero tolerance and required dismissal.
This policy would apply to all types of racial slurs. Thus, there will be no more Polish jokes, Pat and Mike Irish jokes, Jewish Jokes, or use of any type of racially biased term, name or phrase. Sorry folks, but this is the way our society has evolved.
♦ If the "N" word is to be totally removed from the English language, classified among the most vile and unacceptable group of forbidden words (as it should be), then this rule must apply to both races. The use of this word must be considered just as vile and dastardly when a black uses it as when a white uses it. It can not be "cool" to use it in one instance and a terrible act in another. A double standard will not work. The black community must rise to solve this problem. Do this and we will all be "Getting It Right".
I see the Value Adjustment (LOL!) Board refused to make any changes in anyone’s taxes again this year. In my opinion this is just an administrative "scam" designed to make it appear the citizens have a voice concerning their taxes. They are following the "Golden Rule" of the bureaucracy "when you get your hand in the taxpayers’ pocket, never, never take it out." I would suggest they discontinue the Value Adjustment Board and instead build a "wailing wall" on the court house grounds for taxpayers to go to for prayer and a place to bump their heads against.
♦ I learned today why they bury the dead above ground in New Orleans…..It is easier to get them to the polls that way.
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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