Cliptoons by S&S

Thursday, July 9, 2009

“Admit It….Are You An Addict?”

If you haven’t become addicted yet, you probably soon will be.

This column presents a non-partisan, conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
“Our government is intentionally converting the American public into a nation of addicts.”

The U. S. Government has been encouraging a crippling, destructive, addiction within our American society for many years. It is now intensifying that effort. This malady has already struck one in every six citizens, and government programs are in the process of being implemented which will grow the number of addicts to at least three in six (50% of our population). Their ultimate goal is to have 100% of the American public addicted to this condition.

Once addicted, the individual loses all interest in productivity, self improvement, and self reliance. All initiatives for self development, improvements, and professional growth is soon lost as the person becomes totally dependent on getting a regular “fix” from the suppliers. Getting as much as possible from the supplier becomes the primary focus of the citizen.

Once the government has almost everyone “hooked” into this terrible addiction, the government can very easily manipulate and control the American public. All they have to do is threaten to reduce or eliminate the public’s supply of what they must have to satisfy their all consuming addiction…and they will eagerly follow any direction the government wants them to follow. They will vote for the candidates they are supposed to vote for, and they will accept any program the government wishes to enact. They are hopeless addicts.

♦ The addiction is not to Nicotine.
♦ The addiction is not to Marijuana.
♦ The addiction is not to Crack Cocaine.
♦ The addiction is not to Chrystal Meth.
♦ The addiction is not to Alcohol.

The Addiction Is To……….regular, monthly government “hand outs” of money!

Once a family or individual begins to receive regular, monthly government checks and free government services through one of the many social programs which are already in existence, they quickly become fully dependent on the presence of these “freebees” for survival. They must forever “feed at the government trough”. They will blindly do the government’s bidding in order to have their habit of spending government money fulfilled each month.

Add to these unfortunate addicts the millions of others who work for a government agency at some level, and the thousands of companies who exist to serve government, and you have a nation totally dependent on GOVERNMENT. That was not the way our nation was built. We did not achieve the greatness we have enjoyed because of “government”. We became great due to our personal initiatives, our willingness to take risks and work hard, our desires to develop our skills and intelligence as much as possible in order to enhance our opportunities for advancement. We became great because of our inventiveness and the freedoms to fully take risks and reap the rewards for success.

This new system of social order discourages these positives and replaces them with total dependence on a “Big Brother” government to make every decision for us. This approach strives to take away all rewards for success through taxation and income redistribution, to destroy personal incentives, and to create a huge, monster bureaucracy which doles out funds and services to the masses. I don’t want to go there!!

If you are already surviving because you receive a “government check” each month, and if you already find your attitudes and decisions greatly influenced by avoiding doing anything which might result in Big Brother taking away the benefits you are now “hooked” on…then it may be too late for you.

However, if you are still an independent worker, surviving from the results of your own labor, abilities, intelligence, and good fortune…then you had better immediately become proactive and begin to work with the organizations which have been formed to work against this growing plague within our society. If you remain idle, you will become such a minority that eventually the day will come when the dependent majority comes and takes all you have for redistribution. Believe it! You will be “Getting It Right”.

Rudiments -
Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ As you probably know by now, Marianna officials have been notified of the award of over $300,000 in grants and low interest loans from the stimulus funds which are to be used for purchase of two new fire trucks. Now I am glad we are getting new trucks (I guess), but please realize this same type of thing is happening all over the nation, and involves billions of future tax dollars. How many jobs will this create? How does buying new fire trucks, solve our nations terrible economic problems? The only thing it really does is give your representatives, Congressman Boyd and Senator Nelson an opportunity to brag about “bringing home the pork”. When I drive by and look at these trucks in the future, I will just see two big slabs of wasteful “Pork” parked there.
♦ You might have lost another little bit of your property rights when Congressman Boyd and the rest of the current administration passed the “Cap and Trade” bill through the House of Representatives last week. Within that bill is the provision that when you next decide to sell a home, “inspectorcrats” from one of Big Brothers many agencies must first inspect your home. They will then require that before the home can obtain the government permit which allows it to be sold it must have energy efficient lighting, must be insulated up to their standards, and must have certain construction characteristics, including double paned windows. They are going crazy over this “green” bull crap and we are all going to have to pay for it all! Big Brother socialism….enjoy! Since Al Franken is now a Senator, they can probably push this piece of crap legislation through the system. Oh yes, this same bill will place taxes on the utility companies which will cause your power bill to go up another huge jump.
♦ Unemployment nearing 20% by 2011.
♦ Failure of all American auto companies by 2015.
♦ Inflation of 20% or greater by 2015.
♦ Soaring crime rates and prison populations.
♦ Failure of most airlines due to reduced customers.
♦ Failure of numerous state governments. Massive bureaucratic layoffs result.
♦ Socialization of banking system.
♦ Socialization of oil industry.
♦ Socialization of the medical industries.
♦ Socialization of insurance industry.
♦ Socialization of transportation industry.
♦ World conversion to Euro instead of dollar.
♦ Decline in U.S. standard of living to 1940’s level.
♦ Exchange Rate with Chinese Yuan changing from existing 6.77 to 1 to 3.0 to 1 by 2012, and 1 to 1 or worse by 2020. These exchange rate differences will make our debt to China much larger and more difficult to repay.
(Perhaps the U.S. should go ahead and adopt the Chinese Yuan as its currency….that way we wouldn’t have to worry about the exchange rate!)
♦ Former Saturday Night Live comedian Al Franken is now the esteemed Senator from Minnesota …it seems sadistically appropriate that a comedian would become a Senator.
♦ July 8 is the birthday of former County Commissioner Milton Pittman, and JCDC Director, Bill Stanton. Pittman is a weather worn 70 year old, and Stanton is a hastily deteriorating 65 year old. If you see either of them hobbling around, you might want to offer your condolences.

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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