Cliptoons by S&S

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Out of Most Things Bad...Something Good Can Be Found

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions.

Out of tragedy, some good usually emerges:

Eighteen years ago my wife and I lost our sixteen year old son, Les, in a horrible automobile accident. We were hurled into the pit of utter despair, overcome with choking, unbelievable grief. At the time it seemed to be the absolute worse thing which could happen to us, with no logical reason for God to have allowed this sickening event to occur.

Now, many years later, the grief and pain lingers and occasionally rises to the surface. However, I can now see some positive results which evolved from this family tragedy. True, any benefits are trivial in comparison to the loss we suffered, but I can now see that some gains were realized.

First, the act of sharing the deepest of grief between my wife and me, and helping each other through those waves of unbearable pain, strengthened the bond between us. We already loved each other, but the event resulted in a deeper relationship which will endure until one of us dies.

Secondly, having survived the worse pain a parent can experience having gone to the bottom of the pit of utter despair and finally emerging back into the light, has made me into a better, more compassionate person. I now realize that there were times in the past where other friends and acquaintances were dealing with similar personal situations, and I failed to respond to their pains.

I remember feeling awkward and uncomfortable being around them while they were suffering. I felt the desire to help them but could not, so at times I stayed away. I now realize the importance of the expression of sympathy and being there to give comfort. …The mere act of just being there even if you find no useful words, are acts which are very important to the person suffering. As a result, I am a now a much more caring friend, and am able to overcome my own discomfort of the situation with the knowledge I am helping when I give a hug and tell them how saddened I am for them.

So, out of bad does come some good. It made me become a better human being.

Hopefully that same axiom holds true for the trauma now occurring as the United States of America is seeing its economy shudder and sag to a shameful level, while the basic foundations of our faith in a free enterprise, capitalistic economic system, and even our freedoms of religion, speech, and right to own firearms, are challenged. We have evolved into a dysfunctional nation, divided and combative. We are destroying ourselves from within.

With the liberal, left wing elements in control of the Democratic Party, and the Democrats in control of our government, we have created a “dream” situation for the extreme anti-secular, socialistic, and environmental movements. Before the stage had been dismantled from the inauguration ceremony they began pushing their radical agendas through Congress.

In order for our nation to realize its full potentials we may have to first see the way of life which past generations have enjoyed, completely dismantled. We, as a nation may have to enter the dungeon of hell with our economy bankrupted, our liberties consumed by legislation and liberal court rulings, and our wealth transferred to government for redistribution. Our national condition might have to decline to a level worse than the Great Depression of the 1930’s before we awaken and begin to rebuild. We may have to become a third world economy before we can again become the world leader.

When the time of national rebirth comes, we must first rebuild our national moral character. We must restore the family structure, with a Mother AND a Father, who are married! We must create a culture of honesty, self reliance, self responsibility, neighbors aiding neighbors instead of relying on Government, restoration of States Rights, diminishing of Federal Government and its domination of everything, and a common sense approach to life, again recognizing the concept that the will of the majority is more important than the demands of a few. We must reform the government processes to eliminate influence buying, lobbying, bias, and political “money laundering”. We must become a nation where self interests are set aside for the good of the nation.

I pray we do not have to go into total ruin as a nation before this rebirth can occur. I take some hope from what I see happening in the national “Tea Party” movement. This movement has been created out of concern for the direction our nation has take since the new administration took control. Disgust and disdain for the actions of our national leadership has been building for decades. The sudden thrust towards greatly increasing the role of the Federal bureaucracy and the emergence of Communistic and Socialistic ideals among leadership has perhaps finally awakened the sleeping, silent majority of the moderate middle class.

I am thrilled when I see local housewives, farmers, and small business owners who have never before stood up and complained, suddenly attending these meetings and voicing an opinion! I can not recall such a sincere, patriotic, movement in my lifetime. Perhaps there is hope!

If the ramrod actions of this administration results in the beginning of the rebirth of the concepts which created our nation, then I believe this Good Result from their Bad Actions will be the true lasting legacy of their time in power. Help in this effort and you will be “Getting It Right”.

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-

Local Comments:

● I want to again recognize the wisdom and leadership of our School Board and Staff. When I compare the trauma which many counties are enduring, Bay County included, as a result in the State cuts in educational funding, to the impact on our local school system, I realize that the reason we are not suffering is because instead of spending the geyser of new funds which was flowing for many years, they only spent moderately. They set aside reserve funds for future security. Those reserves are now resulting in few disruptions to the normal function of our schools. However, if the economy continues to suffer, these reserves will eventually deplete, and more drastic cuts to the system will be required.

● I want to note the actions of several individuals and organizations in generously reacting to the “Right To Pray” defense fund for those educators at Pace High who are being attacked in the courts by the ACLU, for daring to say a blessing at a fund raiser. The ‘Concerned American Patriots” leaders are delivering over $2000 to them this week, as support from Jackson County. It is time we created a national organization to combat the evils of the ACLU, take back our rights, and end this foolishness. I would suggest the name R-ACLU, Reclaiming American Civil Liberties Union. If the ACLU is attacking Pace High today, they will be in Jackson County tomorrow.

● I can not help but react with disgust when I see local businesses about to go out of business because of the non-availability of financing and thus local jobs being lost, ….while our government officials proudly come into town to give us big checks for sidewalks and fire trucks. It is political stupidity! I have lost my taste for this kind of “Pork”.

I’ve gotta go! Thanks for reading!
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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