Cliptoons by S&S

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank God We Live in Jackson County (It may not be as good as it once was….but it is better than a lot of other places.)

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions.

Good Ole’ Jackson County-

There may not be as many industries here as there once was, and the farmers may not be making as much as they used to make off of peanut crops, and the price of gasoline may be much higher than we would like, and our electric bills may be making us not use our air conditioners and read by one light, and our taxes may seem outrageously high, and our home values might have slipped downward somewhat, and there may be far too much drug activity around the county than we would like, and our car licenses, trailer licenses, boat tags, and all other fees may be way too high, and the state troopers and many city police forces may be writing tickets because the legislature has steadily multiplied all fines for infractions so that more revenues could be generated, and too many businesses may be closing, and insurance costs may be busting our budgets, and our life savings may now be worth a fraction of what it was once worth, and the banks may be ripping us off with fees, credit card interests, and lack of willingness to extend credit when it is needed, and there may not be as many oyster bars in the county as there once was……..but it is still MUCH better than many other parts of our nation.

If you don’t believe me, just take a trip to South Florida, or to Michigan, or to bankrupt California, or almost any place in the Northeast. Their job situations are much worse since they depended on our national industry base (which now relocated and is creating prosperity in China), and they are left with worthless properties, very high taxes, no job opportunities, and a bleak future. That condition is some of what Ernie Padgett saw on his trip to Boston and wrote a column about in our last issue.

So, here in Jackson County things might not be as bright and rosy as they once were…but we are still doing much better than most other areas. This is further demonstrated by the fact that our unemployment rate is only 7.2% instead of over 10%. (Did you ever think we would be feeling good about a 7.2% unemployment level?)

On the good side, our farmers had a fairly good crop year, and there were no love bugs or hurricanes to contend with.

The Education Solution –

Some of our national leaders have proclaimed that one part of the solution to our national economic problems can be solved if everyone upgrades their skills and acquires more education. Since there are no job opportunities for our graduates, many more are staying in school and obtaining higher degrees in the hope that conditions will be better in a few years.

This reminds me of a phenomena I encountered about ten years ago when I was working as an interim Director of Manufacturing for a large New York based apparel company. I was helping them source their product line in several Caribbean, South American, and Asian countries as they closed their domestic plants in Virginia. I was approached by a representative for an apparel manufacturing company in Jordan. He explained that Jordan has a trade agreement with the US which allows them to bring their finished product into Israel, and then to ship from there with no duty or restrictions. He also mentioned the fact that 90% of their sewing operators were college graduates.

I couldn’t imagine why they would have a factory full of well educated college graduates sewing zippers, flys, and collars. Then he explained, “In my country there are very few factories. There are no jobs outside of Government jobs. Thus, our young people stay in the education system as long as possible, and when they finally graduate….they have to take any work that is available. My factory is one of the few places available to work, so my operators are all college graduates.”

At the time, I thought is was unique and sad for those college graduates.

Now I hear our politicians stating that education will help our population, and I hear that students are staying in school because there are no job opportunities. Could we be evolving into a condition similar to that which exists in Jordan and other deprived nations?

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-

• Sharon Cox, Property Appraiser, has informed me that all of the 23 appeals to the property appraisals for this tax roll, which were to be reviewed by the “Value Adjustment Board”, were from out of area, commercial tax appeal services. There were no local, residential value appeals. “We begin working with residential appeals when they are filed, and often have the issue resolved before they get to the Value Adjustment Board,” Cox explained.

• At the encouragement of the City Commission, Main Street Marianna has purchased screens to place in the show windows of empty downtown retail buildings to beautify the downtown.  These screens prevent those on the street from seeing into the empty store and seeing the ugly, desolate, abandoned interior.  I think a better way to beautify these buildings would be to create incentives and a business environment in downtown Marianna which encouraged businesses to locate there.....and thus fill these empty stores with merchandise and customers.

• Main Street Marianna is also involved in a program to encourage area shoppers to "buy local" instead of going out of town.  I'm not sure exactly what their definition of "local" is.

• For the Christmas parade on December 5, Main Street Marianna and the City Commission have designated our home town sports hero, Jeff Mathis, as the “Grand Marshall” of the parade. In this matter, they “Got It Right”. We should all turn out to recognize this young man who is doing such a great job representing Jackson County on national television as he plays for the Los Angeles Angels. It is our understanding that autographed balls will be available.

• I hope everyone has a great, family style Thanksgiving.

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rudiments, Rudiments, More Rudiments

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions.

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-

Let’s put a few facts together and then do some deductive reasoning…or would it be inductive? Anyway, First Fact…the President of the SEIU, (Service Employees Union) has met with the President 22 times since he took office. Second Fact….health care workers in unionized hospitals constitute approximately 50% of the SEIU membership. Third Fact….the SEIU was a huge donator and supporter of the President during his campaign. Forth Fact…. the health bill passed by Pelosi and her band of followers is replete with conditions which help the SEIU. For example, one provision involves criteria for a hospital to receive funding for special training for nurses requires that only unionized hospitals are eligible for federal funds. Now, can you logically deduct that this is one small “payback” to the unions for those donations and not really a health care issue?

Once again the Jackson County Value Adjustment Board met to process complaints from citizens who had disputed the values used on their property tax bills. This year there were more citizens appealing for relief than normal, with 23 local property owners entering appeals. Once again, none were recognized as valid, and no adjustments were made. It has been this way year after year. They should change the name of this Board to “The Property Tax Appeals Denial Board”…or just drop the meaningless procedure.

All property owners in Jackson County should have their 2009 tax bill in hand by now. We were one of only a few counties in the state to have property values somehow go up instead of decline in this terrible real estate market. Please pay the bill in peace and harmony….the bureaucracy needs your hard earned money.

Marianna Police Chief Baggett and his men reaped over $6000 for the bureaucracy last weekend by giving out tickets to 52 hardened criminals who dared drive their cars with their seat belts unfastened while driving around the city at 35 MPH. Oh well, the city needs the extra money they will gain from this rigorous enforcement. If they get enough, maybe they will lower our outrageous sewer rates….Nah, they won’t do that!

I have decided to sell my bass boat. I am disgusted with the cost of fishing with the new truck tag, trailer tag, and boat decal fees. And then when you do finally go fishing the Fish and Wildlife Commission has made the limits so low and the size restrictions and seasons so complex, that you have to be a marine biologist and a lawyer to determine if you are breaking a game law or not. And if you happen to have an empty beer can in the boat…you are really sunk. Big Brother has made it so expensive and so over regulated ….it just isn’t fun anymore!

A few weeks ago we wrote about the stump which is in a county drainage ditch off of Lake Seminole Road which is causing water to divert into a fashionable home located on the lake shoreline when we have a heavy rain. In order to be sure there was no problem with taking this stump out of the ditch, the county first got the permission of two federal agencies (EPA and Corps of Engineers), two state agencies, and the County Commission before this lonely stump could be removed. Well, the stump is still there. The property owner, Karen Strong contacted us and said the county lawyer, Frank Baker, now wants her to sign a release from any damages the county might do to her property as they remove the pesky stump. Well, she feels that if their trucks mess up her yard or drive they should be willing to restore it back to original condition….so the “Saga of the Seminole Stump” continues while they struggle to “Get it Right”.. Isn’t the bureaucracy great!

From Walt Spence:

“Due to the rising cost of gas, oil, and electricity, we regret to inform you that THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL HAS BEEN TURNED OFF!!

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Unproven Theories Cost US Billions

Global Warming, Climate Change, Greenhouse Emissions, Carbon Emissions, Holes in Ozone Layers, The Abominable Snowman, and UFO’s…All Unproven Theories

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Subject of the day…..

“The extreme stupidity of the ‘Green’ Movement ideology”.

Take This Nuclear Rod and Store It Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine -

Is our President really throwing away a 13 billion dollar facility which is about to be opened for use for disposal of spent rods from nuclear power plants? Are we really shutting down our nuclear power industry (as small as it is), while plants are under construction with funds from private industries?

For several years an elaborate $13,000,000,000 underground storage facility has been under construction on federal properties deep under a huge mountain in Nevada, Yucca Mountain. While this needed facility has been under construction, nuclear power plants across the nation have been stockpiling spent nuclear rods, waiting for this site to open.

Recently President Obama spoke at a political rally in Nevada. During his speech the President promised the citizens of Nevada that no nuclear rods would be stored underground in Nevada. This announcement shocked all of the nuclear power industry, and left many important questions unanswered. We will have to wait to see the outcome of this one.

The Dirty Americans -

Last week there was a UN meeting in Barcelona to decide how much developed nations, mainly the US, must pay third world governments for the damages we have done to the planet as a result of our industrialized economies. This is a form of that familiar concept of reparations in which those without resources attempt to place blame on those who have succeeded in order to stimulate enough guilt to cause them to give money as atonement.

The biggest danger to the concept of the sovereign governments of nations following the edicts of the governing panels within that great, corrupt bureaucracy of the United Nations, is that it could mark the beginning of a world government with authority over all countries and their governments. Just imagine the level of corruption and mismanagement that concept could foster!

Income redistribution on an international scale! Worldwide Socialism, what grand concepts! All founded on false planetary fears created intentionally by those who would gain financially from this “mother of all green movements”.

The part of this which I can not understand is why nations throughout Europe and North America have accepted the concepts pushed by the environmental zealots without question or examination. Since their guru leader, Al Gore, presented his dialogue “Inconvenient Truth”, the concepts of global warming, and the dangers created by carbon emissions which thus make industrialized man the cause of this change, have been solidly accepted as truths by a huge part of the political establishment. They seem to ignore the other half of the scientific community which offers proof of the errors in the supporting statistics, and those who present other, natural causes for the warming trend.

It is this same group of “Chicken Little” scientists who twenty-five years ago were proclaiming to the world that a “cooling trend” was underway, and we would all soon be freezing to death. Personally, I believe global warming is occurring at the present time, primarily due to changes in the sun’s activities and volcanic action on earth. One volcano eruption puts more hydrocarbons into the atmosphere than man has since Adam and Eve.

Also, that cooling period occurred between 1930 and 1970, was a period in which our carbon emissions were at all time high levels. This directly contradicts the data in Gore’s presentation. If carbon emissions cause heating of the atmosphere, there should have been significant warming trends underway at that time….instead of a fearful cooling trend. I feel the green movement has now become so entrenched it has become an industry unto itself. It is an industry based on scare tactics and distorted data, which costs our national economy uncountable dollars each year. And the citizens end up paying for all of this unnecessary foolishness in the end.

County Things-

At the county commission meeting on Tuesday our commission approved a new ordinance which takes away your ability to choose what ambulance service you might want to use if you are ever sick and need to be moved from a hospital to another location. The new ordinance has so many bureaucratic restrictions that no outside service will attempt to comply for the little bit of business involved in Jackson County. You now are forced to use Jackson County Fire and Rescue, which has what amounts to a monopoly here….and we know how monopolies work from our experiences with our electric utilities.

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning –

● Remember, Socialized Medicine is another huge welfare program. Instead of just having a “Great Society” as envisioned by Lyndon Johnson, we will now have a “Healthy Great Society”!

● The problem which has arisen with the budgeting practices in our Property Appraiser’s office has reportedly been going on for many years in that office as well as in several other constitutional officer functions. I was recently asked if falsifying payroll figures constituted an act of fraud. I did not have a good answer. I do know this has occurred through the process of “lump budgeting” for payroll figures as defended by the Tallahassee based lobbying groups for constitutional officers. This hides the real data from the County Commissioners who are charged with approval of the county budget each year.

● Our nation is a little better now. On Tuesday they executed the DC Sniper who killed ten innocent people with sniper fire. Of course there were some liberal loons at the site protesting killing this fine human being.

WALK NAKED IN AMERICA DAY (Provided by Richard Kranker)

Don’t forget to mark your calendars.  As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked. He must commit suicide if he does. So next Saturday at 4 PM Eastern Time, all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort. All patriotic men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their house to prove they are not Muslims and to demonstrate they think its okay to see nude women other than their wife and to show support for all American women. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-Muslim sentiment. The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

God bless America!

● Bumper Sticker Snickers:

o If you think health care is expensive now…….just wait until it is free!

o The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money!

o Please! Don’t tell those guys in Washington what comes after a Trillion!

Unemployment is now 10.2% in the USA. The real, effective unemployment is around 17.5%. If you have a job, be thankful, and you will be “Getting It Right”.

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Enough is Enough: It is time for us to begin reclaiming our nation!

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:

“I am tired of being Politically Correct!”

I vow to not use the term “African American” to describe a person of color. You are either African, or American. If I want to use racial description, I will use “person of color” for the Negroid race, “Asian” for the Mongoloid race, “White” for the Caucasoid race, and “Indian”, for the Capoid race.

If a person is mentally retarded, I am going to use the term “mentally handicapped”, and if they are somehow crippled, I will use the term “physically handicapped”. Those working for a company and being paid for their work are employees, not “associates”. Welfare is “social welfare”, not entitlements, benefits, social obligations, or reparations. “Welfare” includes all social programs which GIVE public tax dollars to individuals who give nothing in return for the payment (except a misdirected vote). This includes food stamps, subsidized housing, child care benefits, earned income credits from the IRS, and hundreds of other programs for “qualified” low income citizens. And I do not want to add full health care insurance to this list.

I favor giving of social welfare only for those who have handicaps which prevent them from earning a living, or temporary assistance for those who have some problem for which they need time to recover. If you are capable of learning or working, you should not receive permanent social welfare. We need to enact laws which prohibit politicians from using Social Welfare programs as a means of buying votes and creating a “bribed” constituency which perpetually keeps them in office.

Enough is Enough!!

`I was motivated to write a column on this subject because of something I read recently relating to the “Weatherproofing Program”, which is a nation wide “green movement/ social welfare” combination program designed to use tax monies to pay for adding new, energy saving windows and weather stripping to existing homes of “qualified” homeowners. The article said that the program is spending millions across the United States at a rate of $4000 to $10,000 per home, and the average savings in utility bills for the “qualified” low income residents is only $300 per year! Just compute the return on investment on that brilliant program. No industry would engage in such a stupid program….only our liberal, vote buying politicians. The ROI is averaging over 25 years, if the old house lasts that long. Jackson County is administering this program, and many of these homes are among us.

We need to eliminate this greed driven environment where half of the population is working as hard as it can to get something for nothing from the government through qualifying for some liberal “give away and vote for me” program. This creates a divided nation in which those who are greedily trying to beat the system are resented by those who earned some wealth and resent having it taken from them. We need to forget all of this bull crap and begin to focus on being productive, patriotic Americans. Welfare should only be for those with a real reason for the assistance.

The liberals who promote these social welfare programs tout the “social responsibility of our nation” as the justification. I propose we begin to include some new terms in conversations about welfare. These terms would be “personal responsibility” and “personal accountability”. Somehow these concepts have been lost in the rush to shovel public money into the pockets of a vote eligible horde of underachievers.

Most of those on welfare are in that condition because of their own lack of willingness to improve themselves. They were all given the opportunity for education, in fact, for most that opportunity still exist through retraining and adult education programs. They can learn some craft or administrative-computer skills which will enable them to earn for themselves. The problem is that the existing social welfare systems enable them to live comfortably without working. Our poverty level in the US is above the average earnings level for over 80% of the nations in the world.

Receiving social welfare should be a temporary condition…not a permanent, lifelong gift. Even worse, in many, many instances welfare existence is passed on from generation to generation, with the social burden growing as the family tree expands. We are doing those families caught up in this lifestyle no favors. They would be much better off if they were forced to develop their abilities and become self-sufficient.

Those caught cheating on any social welfare program should automatically be sentenced to one year in prison and should then forever lose eligibility of all social welfare for the rest of their life.


When the white, Anglo Saxon portion of our population is no longer the largest group within our national, social and genetic make-up, will they then be referred to as “a minority”? Will we then be eligible for all of the “minority” social welfare programs which our liberal government has been creating over the past forty years? …or will they merely change the name and qualifications of these programs to be “majority programs” for the “majority” only? Also, should we then refer to ourselves as “Anglo-Saxon Americans?” We are approaching these decisions.

Another liberal, politically inspired law is the immigration law which automatically gives any child born within our national boundaries American Citizenship. This only encourages abuse, such as the motivation of pregnant Mexican women to sneak across the border to “create” another citizen. Citizenship to children should only be bestowed when at least one of the parents is a legal citizen of the USA. Conservative politicians should work to repeal the existing law. This law was enacted in order to increase the numbers of future low income citizens who can go onto welfare and thus vote for the liberal politicians who promote and protect these programs. It is wrong!

It is time to move away from these concepts which are destroying the work ethic and the economy of our nation. It will take huge “Changes” to the right to recover from the huge push to the left the existing “Change” programs are instilling into our faltering economy. If and when conservatives regain control, we must show them what “CHANGE” really means!

We should make the motto “We’re Mad As Hell, And We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore!!” our standard. It will be a step towards our nation finally “Getting It Right.”

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-

• Corruption seems to be so rampant in Washington they can’t form investigative committees fast enough. And these are just the cases where they did not have enough power to keep the stealing from becoming public. Those with power are protected by those around them….like Charlie Rangel.

• Our Commissioners are busy building a system which provides a monopoly for the County Ambulance system. I am not sure whether our Commissioners are working for the betterment of the citizens of the county or for the betterment of the bureaucrats who work for Fire and Rescue as they deal with this situation.

• Who has the ear of the Administration in Washington? Data recently released showed that the President of the SEIU (Service Employees Union) leads in visits with 22 private sessions.

• I recently read where over $92 million in Medicare claims were processed from claims entered by doctors who had been deceased for several years. This is the same government management that wants to take over the entire medical system.

• Swine flu vaccine was promised to be ready by the time the flu season arrived this month. They first promised to have 200 million doses ready, then this was cut to 160 million, then 80 million was the number, and now they are saying the actual number is 16 million. Undoubtedly thousands of unnecessary deaths will occur across the USA because of this mismanagement. Again, this is the same government system that wants to take over all of our national health processes.

• As the House vote nears on the proposed health bill, pressure is mounting from Pelosi and the liberals on our Allen Boyd. Let’s all watch carefully to see how he votes when the time comes.

“The virtues of men are of more consequence to society than their abilities....In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character.” ~ Noah Webster

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.