This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
“I am tired of being Politically Correct!”
I vow to not use the term “African American” to describe a person of color. You are either African, or American. If I want to use racial description, I will use “person of color” for the Negroid race, “Asian” for the Mongoloid race, “White” for the Caucasoid race, and “Indian”, for the Capoid race.
If a person is mentally retarded, I am going to use the term “mentally handicapped”, and if they are somehow crippled, I will use the term “physically handicapped”. Those working for a company and being paid for their work are employees, not “associates”. Welfare is “social welfare”, not entitlements, benefits, social obligations, or reparations. “Welfare” includes all social programs which GIVE public tax dollars to individuals who give nothing in return for the payment (except a misdirected vote). This includes food stamps, subsidized housing, child care benefits, earned income credits from the IRS, and hundreds of other programs for “qualified” low income citizens. And I do not want to add full health care insurance to this list.
I favor giving of social welfare only for those who have handicaps which prevent them from earning a living, or temporary assistance for those who have some problem for which they need time to recover. If you are capable of learning or working, you should not receive permanent social welfare. We need to enact laws which prohibit politicians from using Social Welfare programs as a means of buying votes and creating a “bribed” constituency which perpetually keeps them in office.
Enough is Enough!!
`I was motivated to write a column on this subject because of something I read recently relating to the “Weatherproofing Program”, which is a nation wide “green movement/ social welfare” combination program designed to use tax monies to pay for adding new, energy saving windows and weather stripping to existing homes of “qualified” homeowners. The article said that the program is spending millions across the United States at a rate of $4000 to $10,000 per home, and the average savings in utility bills for the “qualified” low income residents is only $300 per year! Just compute the return on investment on that brilliant program. No industry would engage in such a stupid program….only our liberal, vote buying politicians. The ROI is averaging over 25 years, if the old house lasts that long. Jackson County is administering this program, and many of these homes are among us.
We need to eliminate this greed driven environment where half of the population is working as hard as it can to get something for nothing from the government through qualifying for some liberal “give away and vote for me” program. This creates a divided nation in which those who are greedily trying to beat the system are resented by those who earned some wealth and resent having it taken from them. We need to forget all of this bull crap and begin to focus on being productive, patriotic Americans. Welfare should only be for those with a real reason for the assistance.
The liberals who promote these social welfare programs tout the “social responsibility of our nation” as the justification. I propose we begin to include some new terms in conversations about welfare. These terms would be “personal responsibility” and “personal accountability”. Somehow these concepts have been lost in the rush to shovel public money into the pockets of a vote eligible horde of underachievers.
Most of those on welfare are in that condition because of their own lack of willingness to improve themselves. They were all given the opportunity for education, in fact, for most that opportunity still exist through retraining and adult education programs. They can learn some craft or administrative-computer skills which will enable them to earn for themselves. The problem is that the existing social welfare systems enable them to live comfortably without working. Our poverty level in the US is above the average earnings level for over 80% of the nations in the world.
Receiving social welfare should be a temporary condition…not a permanent, lifelong gift. Even worse, in many, many instances welfare existence is passed on from generation to generation, with the social burden growing as the family tree expands. We are doing those families caught up in this lifestyle no favors. They would be much better off if they were forced to develop their abilities and become self-sufficient.
Those caught cheating on any social welfare program should automatically be sentenced to one year in prison and should then forever lose eligibility of all social welfare for the rest of their life.
When the white, Anglo Saxon portion of our population is no longer the largest group within our national, social and genetic make-up, will they then be referred to as “a minority”? Will we then be eligible for all of the “minority” social welfare programs which our liberal government has been creating over the past forty years? …or will they merely change the name and qualifications of these programs to be “majority programs” for the “majority” only? Also, should we then refer to ourselves as “Anglo-Saxon Americans?” We are approaching these decisions.
Another liberal, politically inspired law is the immigration law which automatically gives any child born within our national boundaries American Citizenship. This only encourages abuse, such as the motivation of pregnant Mexican women to sneak across the border to “create” another citizen. Citizenship to children should only be bestowed when at least one of the parents is a legal citizen of the USA. Conservative politicians should work to repeal the existing law. This law was enacted in order to increase the numbers of future low income citizens who can go onto welfare and thus vote for the liberal politicians who promote and protect these programs. It is wrong!
It is time to move away from these concepts which are destroying the work ethic and the economy of our nation. It will take huge “Changes” to the right to recover from the huge push to the left the existing “Change” programs are instilling into our faltering economy. If and when conservatives regain control, we must show them what “CHANGE” really means!
We should make the motto “We’re Mad As Hell, And We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore!!” our standard. It will be a step towards our nation finally “Getting It Right.”
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
• Corruption seems to be so rampant in Washington they can’t form investigative committees fast enough. And these are just the cases where they did not have enough power to keep the stealing from becoming public. Those with power are protected by those around them….like Charlie Rangel.
• Our Commissioners are busy building a system which provides a monopoly for the County Ambulance system. I am not sure whether our Commissioners are working for the betterment of the citizens of the county or for the betterment of the bureaucrats who work for Fire and Rescue as they deal with this situation.
• Who has the ear of the Administration in Washington? Data recently released showed that the President of the SEIU (Service Employees Union) leads in visits with 22 private sessions.
• I recently read where over $92 million in Medicare claims were processed from claims entered by doctors who had been deceased for several years. This is the same government management that wants to take over the entire medical system.
• Swine flu vaccine was promised to be ready by the time the flu season arrived this month. They first promised to have 200 million doses ready, then this was cut to 160 million, then 80 million was the number, and now they are saying the actual number is 16 million. Undoubtedly thousands of unnecessary deaths will occur across the USA because of this mismanagement. Again, this is the same government system that wants to take over all of our national health processes.
• As the House vote nears on the proposed health bill, pressure is mounting from Pelosi and the liberals on our Allen Boyd. Let’s all watch carefully to see how he votes when the time comes.
“The virtues of men are of more consequence to society than their abilities....In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character.” ~ Noah Webster
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.
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Post continued, And as far as a child born on American soil; that child has no less of a right to be called an “American” than does the arrogant, self-righteous ancestor of some immigrant lineage. The parents of this new citizen have no more rights than they did before they chose to, “sneak across the border to create another citizen.” They can choose to return to their native country, child in tow, or leave the infant behind. Great choice for new parents, don’t you think? So, watch our borders for all those American Citizen Creators swimming across the Rio Grande!
ReplyDeleteYou speak of making them “Earn a living” and then jab a knife directly into the heart of a system that helps them move towards independent living – The Earned Income Credit. “They can learn some craft or administrative-computer skills which will enable them to earn for themselves.” Yet another truly ignorant comment. These “learned skills” are very basic in nature and might yield the individual a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, if they are lucky to be chosen ahead of so many much more qualified individuals. With the National Unemployment rate soaring into the double digits, exactly what do you expect these uneducated, ignorant, social rejects (as you so eloquently penned) to do when going up against college educated “Pure White Race Americans” forced to accept entry level positions and happy to do so?
Have you tried living on $7.25 per hour, Mr. Riley? Have you tried living on a shade over $300 cash and an outrageous amount of Food Stamps, Mr. Riley? I have yet to find the landlord that will accept Food Stamps in payment for rent. And if they did, they and the tenant would both be breaking yet another law. Then you would have something else to criticize - Over crowded prisons!
I do agree that “We” are in deep doo-doo in this great nation of ours and something needs to be done. But remember, the “Lefts” have been in office and in control of both houses for several terms now. Let’s not be so quick to lay blame for our ever growing crisis situation on the “Right Winged Liberals”. Remember, during the last major economic crisis, it took a “Liberal” running the country and a major World War to bring us out of it. And if you really want to get your point across to these “Career Welfare Degenerates”, you might want to speak in terms their uneducated little minds might understand; ROI? How many of these “Poor White Trash” know what ROI stands for and even if they knew it was Return on Investment; would that really matter? And “Replete”, please. Who are you really trying to impress Mr. Riley?
And lastly, please take the disclaimer that your views do not necessarily represent those of the Jackson County Times and it’s owners. You are the Jackson County Times, or should I say, “The Sid Riley Times”; Formerly, “A Voice for EVERY Community”. Now, simply Sid Riley’s Personal Soap Box!
An Anglo Saxon White American, College Educated citizen who is “Trying to Get it Right”!
Cc: Jackson County Floridan