Cliptoons by S&S

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

“The Greatest Generation” Sets A Standard of Excellence

The WWII generation, demonstrates what our society has lost

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions.

It has been stated repeatedly that the generation of those who fought and served in World War II was the “greatest generation” of modern US History. I can not refute that statement.
For in my experiences of knowing those of that era, who living and dead, are now turning eighty years of age or more, a significant majority of them reflect those characteristics of humanity which demonstrate the best of mankind. I have found them to be of high moral character, sincere in their faith, devout in their patriotism, loving in their family relationships, caring in their friendships, sincere in their word, honest, hard working, and life-long contributors to the benefit of our American society.
The truth of this statement at our local community level was demonstrated vividly last week by the magnanimous acts of two local citizens who are part of that generation of greatness. In fact, they were school mates here in Jackson County, back in the 1930’s and 1940’s. In separate, totally unconnected actions, each based on personal beliefs and desires, these two aging heroes of another era, made contributions which will serve many future generations of Jackson County citizens.
I am referring to the participation of Dick Hinson, with the support of his family, in making their family estate of 150 beautiful acres on the Chipola River, available for at least another hundred years as a city park. Dick has always had a deep love for the natural beauty of our area, especially the Chipola River. He has now preserved what he has enjoyed so much. The other, equally significant act of caring, was the donation of the new “Chapel at Chipola” by Creshull Harrison, with the support of his family. Because of his demonstration of goodness, thousands of future students will enjoy this beautiful site of refuge and cohabitation with God amidst the pressures of college.
Both of these wonderful men have taken part of the worth accumulated from their lifetime accomplishments, worth garnered through hard work and productivity, and have left behind treasures for all to enjoy and use. This is a demonstration of the best in man, what our society should and can be made of. It is another instance where this generation of men (and women) have set standards of morality and goodness which we should all accept as personal goals.
The attributes of this generation of people stands in sharp contrast to many in our society of today, where Godless secular progressivism, corruption, self destructive behavior, acceptance of immoral acts as necessary, lack of concern for society and the common good, belief that they are “entitled” to unearned government handouts from systems designed for redistribution of wealth, lack of regard or caring for fellow man, and absolute focus on greed, are common human attributes.
Take a moment and reflect on whether you are a ‘giver’ or a ‘taker’ in our society. What significant contribution will you leave behind for future generations? Inventory your personal attributes and objectively sort them by “good” and “bad”.
This comparison of the inherent qualities of our society marks what is really wrong with our government. Government is a mirror of society, and what we are seeing most of the time today is very ugly. If we truly hope and wish to create a good, moral, workable government in Washington and Tallahassee, we must also create a better society in the day to day world we live in. We can not condone, accept, and rationalize socially destructive behavior and beliefs. We must change the world we live in, and the change in government will occur automatically.
If we stand up for what is right, and speak out against the things which are wrong….we will all be “Getting it Right”.

Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● I think I now understand the concept of “law enforcement” in the United States. A Hispanic family can violate our international borders by illegally sneaking the father and his family into the United States, and law enforcement officials will look the other way. However, if while they are on the way to sign everyone up for our welfare programs….they had damned well better have their seat belts fastened, or the law will be all over them!
● I don’t have to say anything nice in the rudiments section this week because my entire column was so nice.
● I almost decided to enter the “Drop” program here at the paper this week….until I realized that in private business, when you “Drop” you fall all the way to the bottom!
● Did you know that if you make less than $20,000 per year you may be eligible for food stamps?
● It makes me feel good to see all of those “stimulus” created jobs out there on Caverns Road as they build that new $1,000,000 sidewalk to MHS. I can just picture the empty school parking lot after the walk is finished, when all of those students stop driving to school and begin using that wonderful sidewalk!
● Have a good week!
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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