This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions.
“Restore America”-
This weekend a truly unique and spectacular rally was held at the Lincoln Memorial in our nation’s capital city. A crowd estimated at over 200,000 assembled at the call of popular conservative talk show host, Glenn Beck. They came on a mission of expressing their peaceful, patriotic concern over the future of our great nation. They carried no political banners; they had no clever signs protesting the actions of our government. These attendees came in a spirit of reverence and concerned prayer, seeking guidance in their participation in helping to “Restore America”.
Glenn Beck delivered a sincere message of concern for our country and what it stands for. He stressed the idea that we must return our nation to basic Christian precepts in order to overcome the destructive effects on the US society which has resulted from the growing secular progressive influences within our culture. He stressed restoration of religious influence in our families, our schools, our relationships, and our governments. We must re-embrace morality and character as necessary human attributes. These attributes formed the foundation of our Constitution and formation of our Government in 1776, and must be restored as the basic components of our guidance as a population.
We must remove the sinful “ways of operating” which have corrupted government and business. Recent examples of these corrupt, self serving systems are the disclosure of how the powerful Associated Industries of Florida lobby group has purchased enough political influence to gain control of the Public Service Commission which was intended to protect the consumers from abuses at the hands of the Utility Monopolies, and has instead become a pawn which serves those greedy institutions. Another example is how the septic tank lobbyist managed to further their greedy interests by getting irresponsible legislation passed under the guise of an environmental need. In both instances the rights of the citizenry are reduced, and money is taken from the suffering, helpless public.
Beck is right. We must “Restore America” or we will see our once great nation fade into commonality. History is replete with similar examples where social and moral decay of a nation’s population resulted in that nation’s decline from an era of greatness to become a land of struggle, strife, and reduced quality of life. These examples include the “Roman Empire” which once covered most of the civilized world, the “Days of Spanish Glory” and the Spanish Armada which stretched tentacles of exploration throughout the New World, and the tremendous breadth and power of the “British Empire” which spanned the globe. All of these great nations rose to days of glory, power, and affluence, then suffered moral and social decay which led to intense divisiveness, corruption and greed. Finally each nation was reduced by internal failures from its days of glory to become a struggling shadow of what it had been. ….America is on course to repeat these unlearned lessons from history.
Glenn Beck is sounding an alarm. We must begin to put “America First”, or we will suffer a fall to depths of economic and social decline which might seem unfathomable to many. We must put AMERICA before:
● Any Republican agenda
● Any Democratic agenda
● Any Environmental agenda
● Any Union agenda
● Any Minority agenda
● Any Business agenda
● Any World Order agenda
● Any Religious agenda
● Any Personal agenda
The American society must focus on the “Restoration of America”, which includes restoration of the basic values of honor, character, morality, and Godliness which our forefathers placed at the forefront of our nation when it was born. If we allow the social progressive movement to continue to weaken, remove and destroy these vital elements from America’s governments, America’s laws, and from our basic social structure, we are forming an environment which assures future generations of misery and suffering.
We must take Glenn Beck’s call to heart. He spoke only as a patriot and as a very concerned American citizen. He is “Getting It Right”, I hope our nation does the same.
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● Always say something nice (Keeping my New Years Resolution)…Isn’t it great to see businesses doing their part to give back to the community they serve. The policy at Zaxby’s to engage in helping identified needy families in the area is heartwarming. We should also mention other examples of restaurants in the community demonstrating their desire to help the citizens of Jackson County. These would include Sonny’s engaging in a special fund raiser within the restaurant at Christmas to buy toys for needy children, and Madison’s having special spaghetti suppers as fund drives for the Cub Scouts. These are wonderful businesses doing wonderful things to help those who need support.
● I hope the beautiful, computerized Chipola entrance sign on Kelson Avenue isn’t against Marianna City Codes. It has flashing lights, changing scrolling text, and may be illegal. Of course it is also beautiful, informative, modern, and classy….but that often doesn’t matter.
● I do not blame Mr. Carmichael, the owner of the historic Stone Hotel, for protesting against the City by putting up a sign stating the city had taken control of his property. The existing codes have rendered the building unusable and thus have caused him to suffer a great financial loss. Their inflexible approach to this beautiful historic structure will eventually result in it being torn down and that part of our history being lost. The city would be better served if they attempted to find remedies which would result in restoration and continued usage.
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
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