A Near and Growing Danger:
Within the U.S. economic-social framework a new danger to our future is rapidly growing and building strength. In fact, it may already be so powerful that correction is not possible.
I am speaking of the tremendous change in organization, focus, and effect within the national union movement which has been taking place over the past fifteen years. The potential dangers associated with this shift were revealed to me a few days ago when I read a report that the SEIU, the government service employees union, is now the most powerful union in the nation, with over 2.2 million members representing a major percentage of the county employees, state employees, school employees, firemen, policemen, city services workers, and hundreds of other government jobs across the entire nation. Their power is awesome…politically and physically.
The potential for misuse of this power is a real and present danger. This is a new danger for our democracy which did not exist until the last ten years. A quick examination of many of the revolutions, national upheavals, and government coups which have occurred around the world will reveal that in many instances the core instigating power of these revolutions was the prevalent labor union in those nations. When the elected leaders of the nation lost favor with the powerful labor leaders….. those labor leaders had them physically ousted. In reality, the unions were in charge of the government. Do we want that condition in our country?
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