May 29, 2008
Local Natural Treasure Recovering From Period of Mismanagement
This weekend my wife Judy and I were fortunate enough to be invited by Harry and Vicky Fuqua to a pontoon boat ride on the Mill Pond. The Fuqua’s have a beautiful home on the West shore of the lake, so that was the starting point of our lake excursion.
When we accepted the invitation I was sure I would leave the experience sickened by the sight of muck and moss clogging the surface and making the once beautiful waterway into a stinking cesspool of decaying vegetable matter. After all, that has been the story since the State repeatedly drew down the lake several years ago. That action killed most of the fresh water snails that forms the basis of the ecology of the unique lake.
However I am pleased to report that my expectations were unfounded. It appears that due to the combined efforts of man and Mother Nature (probably mostly nature), the lake is on the road to recovery.
The beautiful lake was much as I remember it being thirty five years ago. The water was pure and clear, exposing beautiful patterns of eel grass and sand where fish darted and played. Even though the water was over ten feet deep you could count the grains of sand on the bottom.
Ducks played and nested in the cypress stumps while rows of turtles sunned uncaringly on protruding logs. Osprey swooped by overhead to perch masterfully in the top of cypress trees. Even more impressive was huge clumps of fresh water snail eggs clinging just above the water to the root wads of most of the cypress groves. The snails are coming back!
The lake was full of boating families enjoying the treat of the water. On this particular day every cave opening site was occupied by visiting divers from the international diving convention that was underway that weekend. It was interesting to visit and talk to them and sense their appreciation of this unique lake that borders Marianna.
The only negatives I saw was the presence of a few spots where muck still floated on the surface. Fishermen can not take shell crackers from the lake unless they are over 10 inches in length, so they might as well have put up signs saying "No Shell Cracker Fishing", but that is ok since this lake needs gentle treatment right now, and there are plenty of other places to fish. This instance was trivial compared to the beauty that surrounded us as we traversed the full length of the lake.
At the spring swimming area, lifeguards were working to be sure the paddle boats and other park gear were ready for Monday’s opening day crowd. Divers were busy over the spring opening, going for underwater adventures in the amazing network of caves starting at the spring opening.
As we returned to the Fuqua’s boat dock after the three hour trip, I could not help but feel elated about what I had seen. It appears that Jackson County has recovered a lost treasure….we need to never lose it again.
Rudiments- Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ Last week I stated that in my opinion the State was wasting over four million dollars in building a new Emergency Operations Center building when plenty of empty buildings are available for the new government function. County Administrator Ted Lakey has informed me that I misstated the cost of the new facility. Thus I stand corrected and will amend that statement to be "The State is only wasting two million tax dollars on our new Emergency Operations Center building.
♦ I was given information that the new parking lot at Spring Creek is full of trash and beer cans…..and that the banks and bottom of Spring Creek is again becoming littered and ugly. I encourage one of the civic groups to take advantage of the Spring Creek clean up program by sponsoring working with Bear Paw to reduce rental charges by $1.00 if the group will return a club provided trash bag full of trash as they exit the trip. This way the people floating the creek, some of whom are littering would also be the group of people helping keep the waterway clean.
♦ Price of gasoline around the world at this time:
Oslo Norway ($6.82), Hong Kong ($6.25), Brussels Belgium ($6.16), London UK ($5.96), Rome Italy ($5.80), Tokyo Japan ($5.25), Sao Paulo Brazil ($4.42), New Delhi India ($3.71), Sidney Australia ($3.42), Johannesburg South Africa ($3.39), Mexico City ($2.22), Buenos Aires Argentina ($2.09), Riyadh Saudi Arabia ($ .91), Kuwait ($ .78), Caracas Venezuela ($ .12), Marianna Florida ($3.95)
♦ There are only 89 days left until our local elections, and 139 until our national elections. If you are not ready to make a meaningful decision, you need to begin preparing for that day when you step into the voting booth and the curtain is closed behind you.
♦ The County Commissioners have gone into hibernation regarding the need to get rid of all of the scattered and costly lease arrangements in order to consolidate the county functions into one facility…..possibly the old Wal-Mart facility.
Another week has whizzed by….please keep on reading and support what you believe is right and fair. Do these things and you will be "Getting It Right".
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Getting It Right - Birds Please Fly Away!
May 22, 2008
"The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions".
A few years ago I bought a bird feeder. I proudly hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. "What a beauty of a bird feeder it is", I thought as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. We enjoyed watching the birds feast and enjoy our gift.
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, and the table... everywhere!
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb my wife and me every time we came near, and often tried to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.
And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I come out and fill the feeder when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn’t even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like it used to be.... quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
Now let’s see. Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.
Then the illegal aliens came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments began housing up to five families; you now have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor because the hospital is full of people waiting for free care; your child’s school is graded poorly because over half the students do not speak English.
Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to ‘press one’ to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ‘Old Glory’ are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties and at times even burning my flag.
It is just my opinion, but maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder.
If you agree, tell your congressman; if not, continue cleaning up the poop!
(This tale was modified from a story sent to me via e-mail.)
Rudiments- Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ Comprehensive Land Use Plan; On Monday I attended the first public hearing concerning needed amendments to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that was approved by the State and implemented several years ago. Essentially this plan takes significant amounts of property rights away from heavily taxed individual property owners, and places these rights in the hands of Big Brother Government so that he can properly manage future growth, protect the environment, and look after the "common good". They purposely made the amending process difficult, complex, and lengthy and still left final approval in the hands of a State agency.
The plan also carefully details requirements for the evil developers to meet as government sprinkles bureaucratic "holy water" before each step they take. I decided that the group at the meeting needed to broaden their perspective relating to the processes they were involved in, so I asked the following question, "Why are we all so concerned about abuses by these property owners and developers, and are legislating each move they make…..for the sake of the environment and the future….when we all drive by the dolomite mines that are raping the land with no local regulation as they suck minerals out of our soil? Could it be because they had enough money to lobby at the State level to influence enough votes to exempt them from our Comprehensive Land Use Plan?" Several heads shook in agreement, and no one had a reasonable answer……..It’s A Little Rotten, Folks.
♦ Tweaking The Sign Ordinance; In my opinion the Marianna sign ordinance needs more than "tweaking", it needs a couple of turns to the left to loosen it a little. Who is to say that a flat plastic sign is better than a well conceived "back lighted" sign? What does it hurt for a well designed sidewalk "A" frame sign to display a store’s daily specials while the store is open? Do computerized signs really distract drivers?
I believe that those who wrote the existing strict ordinance have drawn too many government pay checks or enjoyed living off their inheritance or their wife’s inheritance and have never experienced scraping out a living from the daily receipts from a retail operation. You can bet they have always signed their paychecks on the back instead of the front and back. They have never struggled to meet a payroll, they have always been part of the payroll. Commissioners Milton and Clay both boycotted the sign ordinance meeting, probably indicating where much of the anti-business attitude is coming from.
For those that think business signs are ugly, I say the signs are not nearly as ugly as an empty store building with the front windows taped over. Marianna had better realize they are in direct competition with the emerging retail area in "Malloyville" at I-10 before it is too late. If you were going to open a small store, where would you open it?
♦ Buildings; Well we are in the process of building a $4,000,000 Emergency Operations Center, and a $11,000,000 new County Health Center while the old Wal-Mart building and the old high school set dark, empty and slowly deteriorating. New buildings are nice, but if the bureaucrats were running their departments as a business and were having to take the money our of their own personal money……they would be clamoring to renovate the available space. To them it is merely free grant money….not someone’s hard earned tax payments.
Well folks, it is time for me to lay down the pen, say my prayers, and go to bed. Maybe the world will look better tomorrow. Meanwhile, if possible, take time to get involved in the next public hearing on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Do this and you will be "Getting It Right".
"The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions".
A few years ago I bought a bird feeder. I proudly hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. "What a beauty of a bird feeder it is", I thought as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. We enjoyed watching the birds feast and enjoy our gift.
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, and the table... everywhere!
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb my wife and me every time we came near, and often tried to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.
And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I come out and fill the feeder when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn’t even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like it used to be.... quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
Now let’s see. Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.
Then the illegal aliens came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments began housing up to five families; you now have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor because the hospital is full of people waiting for free care; your child’s school is graded poorly because over half the students do not speak English.
Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to ‘press one’ to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ‘Old Glory’ are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties and at times even burning my flag.
It is just my opinion, but maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder.
If you agree, tell your congressman; if not, continue cleaning up the poop!
(This tale was modified from a story sent to me via e-mail.)
Rudiments- Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ Comprehensive Land Use Plan; On Monday I attended the first public hearing concerning needed amendments to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that was approved by the State and implemented several years ago. Essentially this plan takes significant amounts of property rights away from heavily taxed individual property owners, and places these rights in the hands of Big Brother Government so that he can properly manage future growth, protect the environment, and look after the "common good". They purposely made the amending process difficult, complex, and lengthy and still left final approval in the hands of a State agency.
The plan also carefully details requirements for the evil developers to meet as government sprinkles bureaucratic "holy water" before each step they take. I decided that the group at the meeting needed to broaden their perspective relating to the processes they were involved in, so I asked the following question, "Why are we all so concerned about abuses by these property owners and developers, and are legislating each move they make…..for the sake of the environment and the future….when we all drive by the dolomite mines that are raping the land with no local regulation as they suck minerals out of our soil? Could it be because they had enough money to lobby at the State level to influence enough votes to exempt them from our Comprehensive Land Use Plan?" Several heads shook in agreement, and no one had a reasonable answer……..It’s A Little Rotten, Folks.
♦ Tweaking The Sign Ordinance; In my opinion the Marianna sign ordinance needs more than "tweaking", it needs a couple of turns to the left to loosen it a little. Who is to say that a flat plastic sign is better than a well conceived "back lighted" sign? What does it hurt for a well designed sidewalk "A" frame sign to display a store’s daily specials while the store is open? Do computerized signs really distract drivers?
I believe that those who wrote the existing strict ordinance have drawn too many government pay checks or enjoyed living off their inheritance or their wife’s inheritance and have never experienced scraping out a living from the daily receipts from a retail operation. You can bet they have always signed their paychecks on the back instead of the front and back. They have never struggled to meet a payroll, they have always been part of the payroll. Commissioners Milton and Clay both boycotted the sign ordinance meeting, probably indicating where much of the anti-business attitude is coming from.
For those that think business signs are ugly, I say the signs are not nearly as ugly as an empty store building with the front windows taped over. Marianna had better realize they are in direct competition with the emerging retail area in "Malloyville" at I-10 before it is too late. If you were going to open a small store, where would you open it?
♦ Buildings; Well we are in the process of building a $4,000,000 Emergency Operations Center, and a $11,000,000 new County Health Center while the old Wal-Mart building and the old high school set dark, empty and slowly deteriorating. New buildings are nice, but if the bureaucrats were running their departments as a business and were having to take the money our of their own personal money……they would be clamoring to renovate the available space. To them it is merely free grant money….not someone’s hard earned tax payments.
Well folks, it is time for me to lay down the pen, say my prayers, and go to bed. Maybe the world will look better tomorrow. Meanwhile, if possible, take time to get involved in the next public hearing on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Do this and you will be "Getting It Right".
Monday, May 19, 2008
Getting It Right- The Cow Is Sick... Please Quit Milking!
May 15, 2008
The U. S. way of life is under attack from internal and external forces.
The depression of the thirties was sparked by the stock market failure in 1929 after several years of overzealous speculation by investors with heavy banking involvement.. That began a domino effect as the economic system of the nation slowed to a near stop. Let us all hope that the housing market failure after several years of overzealous speculation by investors with heavy banking involvement is not sparking a similar experience for our nation.
Conditions are currently in a state of rapid change…yet many in government are acting as if it is "business as usual". The average citizen is struggling economically as he has never struggled previously over the past sixty years. What has been decades of steadily improving standards of living in an expanding economy now threatens to begin a downturn. Most of us have never before experienced a decline in our standard of living, financial sacrifices, and the inability to make ends meet.
In most families the mother and the father must both work in order for the family to survive financially. Now we seem to be working harder and still are losing ground.
Over the past week we have seen gasoline prices increase another twenty cents to $3.75/gal., the postal system raise postage to $ .42 for a stamp, and the local utility company (Florida Public Utilities) announce another rate increase. What will next week have in store?
Meanwhile, government is doing a lot of squealing about cuts and a lot of lip service to helping the struggling citizen, but in reality they appear to me to be continuing on their normal paths of taxing and spending. The amount of actual cutting back performed by the government is much less than the amount of cutting back done each day in most private households.
The root cause of most of these problems is the fact that our nation is being held hostage by the oil barons of the Middle East. They are sucking billions out of our economy as quickly as possible, anticipating the eventual development of alternate energy sources that will someday reduce the demand for their God given resource. In the process of exercising this greed they are ruining our world. The increased cost of gasoline has pushed the cost of food, utilities and everything we must have to survive to record highs. We are in a period of inflation caused by oil price increases which are beyond the control of our government. In the short run we are helpless victims.
Who should we blame for this national dilemma? Who allowed our nation to become captives to this band of desert tribal leaders...Answer: All of those fat cat Senators and Congressmen that have been roosting in Washington over the past thirty years.
They have wasted our tax dollars, looked after their own self interest, and given lip service to the US becoming energy independent while they catered to special interest in order to buy the votes needed to keep themselves in office. That is why we have no new refineries, no new nuclear power plants, no drilling in areas where we know we have access to oil deposits, and have invested more in social money "give away" programs instead of investing in energy research. Again, this was done to buy votes.
It is time to clean out the nest and start over with representatives that can bring fresh ideas and sincere dedication to our government. I plan to vote against any elected representative that has been in Washington or Tallahassee for longer than eight years. I wish this approach was widespread across the United States. We can no longer afford or tolerate a "Business as usual" attitude.
As I stated in a recent column, our nation needs desperately for a "George Washington" type of strong leader to emerge and lead our nation out of this growing dilemma.
The situation with the exorbitant pricing of oil by the Greedy Sheiks is compounded by the increasing weakness of the dollar on the world money market. This problem is being caused by the fact that our politicians engaged in poor, ill conceived trade deals over the past fifteen years that destroyed our industrial base and created a gushing imbalance of trade between the United States and the rest of the world. This cascading outflow of dollars has caused the value of the dollar to drop to a very low point. This makes a barrel of foreign oil paid for with U.S. dollars cost even more. Free trade between nations is good as long as it is "tit for tat". But, if the deal is tit, tit, tit, tit for tat - you’ve made a bad deal.
Again, poor leadership is at fault. These trade deals were made under the concepts of "free trade" and "global marketing" during the Clinton administration. However, top leaders from both political parties jumped onto the "global" bandwagon and helped run us off the economic cliff into this abyss of financial despair. Our leaders should be held to task for supporting those programs.
Meanwhile, my truck is almost on empty. I have been riding around with the windows down and the air conditioner turned off in order to stretch what gasoline is in it. Tomorrow I will probably endure the pain of putting some gas in the tank. I hope I can find a station selling for under $3.75/gal.
RUDIMENTS: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ I can not believe that our beloved electric utility, Florida Public Utilities, has the nerve to announce another rate increase after the raping they gave their customers in January. I plan to investigate when their charter with the city expires in order to explore the possibility of replacing them. It appears they may be trying to raise rates as frequently as the post office increases the price of stamps.
♦ It is a crazy world. I see the INA running around raiding companies for working illegal aliens while several cities invite them to come to town and get welfare from the government. One part of the government is trying to catch them while another part of the government won’t disclose that they are paying them welfare. Why is it bad for businesses to work them but OK for the government to give them our money?
♦ It is a crazy world. I see our government spending billions on the "War On Drugs", with law agencies working hard to create drug busts, and our prisons filling with drug users and dealers. Meanwhile, I see our soldiers in Afghanistan being careful to tiptoe through poppy fields so as to not damage the crop that provides 90% of the heroin used in the US.
Wouldn’t it be wiser to pay money to the Afghanistan farmers not to grow the crop in the first place?
♦ On a positive note…the new VA clinic is a real addition to our community. Those that helped locate it here should be commended. If things continue on the present trend, driving to the clinic in Tallahassee would eventually cost more than the cost of the medical treatment.
♦ The County Commissioners continue to have no interest in the savings that might be realized by purchasing the old Wal-Mart facility. In a few months they will probably again try to build their building by the court house.
Things are tough and getting tougher. It is more important than ever that you become involved in the decisions that are being made by others that will impact the future of you and your family. Get involved and you will be "Getting It Right".
The U. S. way of life is under attack from internal and external forces.
The depression of the thirties was sparked by the stock market failure in 1929 after several years of overzealous speculation by investors with heavy banking involvement.. That began a domino effect as the economic system of the nation slowed to a near stop. Let us all hope that the housing market failure after several years of overzealous speculation by investors with heavy banking involvement is not sparking a similar experience for our nation.
Conditions are currently in a state of rapid change…yet many in government are acting as if it is "business as usual". The average citizen is struggling economically as he has never struggled previously over the past sixty years. What has been decades of steadily improving standards of living in an expanding economy now threatens to begin a downturn. Most of us have never before experienced a decline in our standard of living, financial sacrifices, and the inability to make ends meet.
In most families the mother and the father must both work in order for the family to survive financially. Now we seem to be working harder and still are losing ground.
Over the past week we have seen gasoline prices increase another twenty cents to $3.75/gal., the postal system raise postage to $ .42 for a stamp, and the local utility company (Florida Public Utilities) announce another rate increase. What will next week have in store?
Meanwhile, government is doing a lot of squealing about cuts and a lot of lip service to helping the struggling citizen, but in reality they appear to me to be continuing on their normal paths of taxing and spending. The amount of actual cutting back performed by the government is much less than the amount of cutting back done each day in most private households.
The root cause of most of these problems is the fact that our nation is being held hostage by the oil barons of the Middle East. They are sucking billions out of our economy as quickly as possible, anticipating the eventual development of alternate energy sources that will someday reduce the demand for their God given resource. In the process of exercising this greed they are ruining our world. The increased cost of gasoline has pushed the cost of food, utilities and everything we must have to survive to record highs. We are in a period of inflation caused by oil price increases which are beyond the control of our government. In the short run we are helpless victims.
Who should we blame for this national dilemma? Who allowed our nation to become captives to this band of desert tribal leaders...Answer: All of those fat cat Senators and Congressmen that have been roosting in Washington over the past thirty years.
They have wasted our tax dollars, looked after their own self interest, and given lip service to the US becoming energy independent while they catered to special interest in order to buy the votes needed to keep themselves in office. That is why we have no new refineries, no new nuclear power plants, no drilling in areas where we know we have access to oil deposits, and have invested more in social money "give away" programs instead of investing in energy research. Again, this was done to buy votes.
It is time to clean out the nest and start over with representatives that can bring fresh ideas and sincere dedication to our government. I plan to vote against any elected representative that has been in Washington or Tallahassee for longer than eight years. I wish this approach was widespread across the United States. We can no longer afford or tolerate a "Business as usual" attitude.
As I stated in a recent column, our nation needs desperately for a "George Washington" type of strong leader to emerge and lead our nation out of this growing dilemma.
The situation with the exorbitant pricing of oil by the Greedy Sheiks is compounded by the increasing weakness of the dollar on the world money market. This problem is being caused by the fact that our politicians engaged in poor, ill conceived trade deals over the past fifteen years that destroyed our industrial base and created a gushing imbalance of trade between the United States and the rest of the world. This cascading outflow of dollars has caused the value of the dollar to drop to a very low point. This makes a barrel of foreign oil paid for with U.S. dollars cost even more. Free trade between nations is good as long as it is "tit for tat". But, if the deal is tit, tit, tit, tit for tat - you’ve made a bad deal.
Again, poor leadership is at fault. These trade deals were made under the concepts of "free trade" and "global marketing" during the Clinton administration. However, top leaders from both political parties jumped onto the "global" bandwagon and helped run us off the economic cliff into this abyss of financial despair. Our leaders should be held to task for supporting those programs.
Meanwhile, my truck is almost on empty. I have been riding around with the windows down and the air conditioner turned off in order to stretch what gasoline is in it. Tomorrow I will probably endure the pain of putting some gas in the tank. I hope I can find a station selling for under $3.75/gal.
RUDIMENTS: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning:
♦ I can not believe that our beloved electric utility, Florida Public Utilities, has the nerve to announce another rate increase after the raping they gave their customers in January. I plan to investigate when their charter with the city expires in order to explore the possibility of replacing them. It appears they may be trying to raise rates as frequently as the post office increases the price of stamps.
♦ It is a crazy world. I see the INA running around raiding companies for working illegal aliens while several cities invite them to come to town and get welfare from the government. One part of the government is trying to catch them while another part of the government won’t disclose that they are paying them welfare. Why is it bad for businesses to work them but OK for the government to give them our money?
♦ It is a crazy world. I see our government spending billions on the "War On Drugs", with law agencies working hard to create drug busts, and our prisons filling with drug users and dealers. Meanwhile, I see our soldiers in Afghanistan being careful to tiptoe through poppy fields so as to not damage the crop that provides 90% of the heroin used in the US.
Wouldn’t it be wiser to pay money to the Afghanistan farmers not to grow the crop in the first place?
♦ On a positive note…the new VA clinic is a real addition to our community. Those that helped locate it here should be commended. If things continue on the present trend, driving to the clinic in Tallahassee would eventually cost more than the cost of the medical treatment.
♦ The County Commissioners continue to have no interest in the savings that might be realized by purchasing the old Wal-Mart facility. In a few months they will probably again try to build their building by the court house.
Things are tough and getting tougher. It is more important than ever that you become involved in the decisions that are being made by others that will impact the future of you and your family. Get involved and you will be "Getting It Right".
Monday, May 12, 2008
Getting It Right- Golden Rule #1 – “He Who Rules, Prospers”
I’m going to start with a rather revealing e-mail I received recently. It made me realize how tilted the political-legal system has become to the betterment of the politicians and bureaucrats and to the worsening of the average taxpaying citizen.
We have all read those stories describing how the politicians in Washington have created a social security system for themselves, separate and much better than the system used by the common folks. We have read the stories about the loans they took from the legislative post office and never repaid. We have read about how they pass legislation to give themselves raises late in the night when the cameras are off and few are around.
From rampant double dipping by federal, state, county and city retirees, to plush retirement schemes, to lucrative "buy back" systems for sick pay accrual, and other bonus plans…politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of government are looking out for themselves----at the expense of the general working public.
This e-mail brought that fact to the forefront of my awareness of what they are doing. Here it is:
Remember, they are already making $40,000,000 for speaking engagements and book royalties.
If Hillary Clinton wins in 2008 and Bill Clinton is appointed to fill her senate seat, their government retirement pay would consist of:
♦ A presidential retirement check for Bill
(full salary)
♦ A presidential retirement check for Hillary
(full salary)
♦ A U. S. Senator retirement check for Hillary
(full salary)
♦ A U.S. Senator retirement check for Bill
(full salary)
♦ An Arkansas Governor’s retirement check for Bill (full salary)
If either dies before the other, the benefits transfer to the survivor,
In order to establish New York residency they bought a multi-million dollar home in upscale Chappaqua, New York and since they are getting Secret Service protection for the remainder of their lives,
Their mortgage payments are approximately $10,000 per month….but to provide on site housing for their secret service staff, a separate residence was built ….and the Clinton’s charge the government $10,000 a month rent for use of that extra residence.
This means that the taxpayers are paying their Salary, their Mortgage, their Transportation, Safety and Security, and the salaries of their twelve man staff… for the rest of their lives.
This type of behavior reminds me of several timeless adages that I have heard through the years, such as:
♦ "If you don’t look out for yourself, no one else will"
♦ "Do unto others before they can do unto you"
♦ "The meek shall inherit the earth, after the rich are through with it"
♦ "Government isn’t the solution to the problem, it is the source of the problem"
♦ "Tax and spend …especially if spending is on yourself"
This seems to be the approach taken by too many of our ruling elite legislators as they manage our money. It is this type of greedy legislation that has created a society in the USA where working for government is better than working for yourself or in industry. It is why the "servant" is making more than those they are supposed to "serve". It just ain’t right folks!
Rudiments- odds and ends worth mentioning:
♦ On the same evening this paper is being printed, the Marianna City Commission is conducting a sign ordinance workshop. I hope that some beneficial insight comes from this meeting. They began their study with an overview of ordinances from several Florida towns of similar size. This overview should help in moving our sign ordinances into a more reasonable format and hopefully remove the anti-business appearance from these rules.
♦ Our County Commissioners continue to ignore the possibility of using the old Wal-Mart building to fill the need for an administration center. We shouldn’t let them play a delaying strategy in this matter.
♦ The state says it is pinching the budget but at the same time funds millions for improving public baseball fields. I love the facilities we have in Jackson County and the great programs for our kids that are in place. However, in my opinion, every field in Jackson County is in great shape and could skip funding for improvements this year if we are serious about state spending.
♦ I understand that the most likely site for the new Public Health Building is the Sikes site after the existing ruins are removed. This is at least using the site preparation, parking lot, and landscaping that is already in place. However, the Wall-Mart building could be retrofitted for less than the $10,000,000 they will spend…and would result in a facility much more conveniently located for the public. I would estimate that this approach would save at least $5,000,000….but it is only tax money that has already been funded, so why bother?
Stay involved and keep active, frugal, and involved….and you will be "Getting It Right".
We have all read those stories describing how the politicians in Washington have created a social security system for themselves, separate and much better than the system used by the common folks. We have read the stories about the loans they took from the legislative post office and never repaid. We have read about how they pass legislation to give themselves raises late in the night when the cameras are off and few are around.
From rampant double dipping by federal, state, county and city retirees, to plush retirement schemes, to lucrative "buy back" systems for sick pay accrual, and other bonus plans…politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of government are looking out for themselves----at the expense of the general working public.
This e-mail brought that fact to the forefront of my awareness of what they are doing. Here it is:
Remember, they are already making $40,000,000 for speaking engagements and book royalties.
If Hillary Clinton wins in 2008 and Bill Clinton is appointed to fill her senate seat, their government retirement pay would consist of:
♦ A presidential retirement check for Bill
(full salary)
♦ A presidential retirement check for Hillary
(full salary)
♦ A U. S. Senator retirement check for Hillary
(full salary)
♦ A U.S. Senator retirement check for Bill
(full salary)
♦ An Arkansas Governor’s retirement check for Bill (full salary)
If either dies before the other, the benefits transfer to the survivor,
In order to establish New York residency they bought a multi-million dollar home in upscale Chappaqua, New York and since they are getting Secret Service protection for the remainder of their lives,
Their mortgage payments are approximately $10,000 per month….but to provide on site housing for their secret service staff, a separate residence was built ….and the Clinton’s charge the government $10,000 a month rent for use of that extra residence.
This means that the taxpayers are paying their Salary, their Mortgage, their Transportation, Safety and Security, and the salaries of their twelve man staff… for the rest of their lives.
This type of behavior reminds me of several timeless adages that I have heard through the years, such as:
♦ "If you don’t look out for yourself, no one else will"
♦ "Do unto others before they can do unto you"
♦ "The meek shall inherit the earth, after the rich are through with it"
♦ "Government isn’t the solution to the problem, it is the source of the problem"
♦ "Tax and spend …especially if spending is on yourself"
This seems to be the approach taken by too many of our ruling elite legislators as they manage our money. It is this type of greedy legislation that has created a society in the USA where working for government is better than working for yourself or in industry. It is why the "servant" is making more than those they are supposed to "serve". It just ain’t right folks!
Rudiments- odds and ends worth mentioning:
♦ On the same evening this paper is being printed, the Marianna City Commission is conducting a sign ordinance workshop. I hope that some beneficial insight comes from this meeting. They began their study with an overview of ordinances from several Florida towns of similar size. This overview should help in moving our sign ordinances into a more reasonable format and hopefully remove the anti-business appearance from these rules.
♦ Our County Commissioners continue to ignore the possibility of using the old Wal-Mart building to fill the need for an administration center. We shouldn’t let them play a delaying strategy in this matter.
♦ The state says it is pinching the budget but at the same time funds millions for improving public baseball fields. I love the facilities we have in Jackson County and the great programs for our kids that are in place. However, in my opinion, every field in Jackson County is in great shape and could skip funding for improvements this year if we are serious about state spending.
♦ I understand that the most likely site for the new Public Health Building is the Sikes site after the existing ruins are removed. This is at least using the site preparation, parking lot, and landscaping that is already in place. However, the Wall-Mart building could be retrofitted for less than the $10,000,000 they will spend…and would result in a facility much more conveniently located for the public. I would estimate that this approach would save at least $5,000,000….but it is only tax money that has already been funded, so why bother?
Stay involved and keep active, frugal, and involved….and you will be "Getting It Right".
Getting It Right- Where Is George Washington When We Need Him??
May 1, 2008
Our nation is at a critical time in history, we need to find a patriot as our leader.
This week I write this column somber in tone and filled with serious consideration for our nation. There are at present, several, varied threats to the well being and quality of life for the American public. We desperately need a strong leader with total dedication to our nation to step forward and provide the leadership which will be required in the coming decade.
This individual will have to be willing to place the needs of our society above all political and personal interest. Powerful, self serving interest must be overcome. Common sense and correct decisions must prevail.
We are being challenged by the impact of fighting an expensive, unpopular war against Moslem radicals; by the impact of a dollar weakened in the international community by ill conceived trade policies; and the continuing greed of oil barons in the Middle East that is creating a worldwide inflation for food and manufactured goods.
I feel the United States is at a critical crossroads in history. We may have passed the apex of our position as a nation in terms of economic and social development. From this point in time we may find our standard of living, our quality of life, and our position in the community of nations on a path of diminishing values. We have serious problems before us which must be resolved to our benefit.
I can identify two previous periods in our history where our nation and our quality of life were similarly threatened. The first of these would be the years leading up to the Civil War, and those dreadful years after the war. Our nation was torn apart by issues of trade and slavery that could only be resolved through succession and violent conflict.
In the midst of this terrible period a wise, even handed patriot emerged to lead through the conflict and into a period of healing and rejoining. He was unpopular with many. His prominent role in this period led to his assassination, but his wisdom and leadership resulted in what our nation needed. Abe Lincoln was the man of the hour in this time of national need.
Another critical era for our nation came in the 1930’s with the terrible depression that threatened to destroy our economy, followed by World War II as Hitler made his attempt at world domination. Through this period we were fortunate to have another patriot and man of great strength and will of conviction at our helm. Franklin D. Roosevelt took decisive action to put our nation back to work, to restore our economy, and to revitalize our sagging spirit. He then led us through most of those terrible years of War against the German and Japanese threats from abroad. FDR was the man of the hour in this time of national need.
In my opinion, our nation once again stands at the rim of another catastrophic era in our history. In the coming decade we will need strong, decisive and capable leadership. This leader must make decisions that will afford us protection from the terrible military threats that exist abroad while taking the steps necessary to protect and enhance our struggling economy from the greed evidenced by other foreign leaders for the benefit of their own national economies.
This leader needs to formulate and enact a clear path to end our national dependence on foreign sources for the energy required to sustain our nation. Our dependence on foreign oil must end…and end quickly.
A ten year plan that leads to self dependence for energy must be designed, approved and implemented at once. This plan should involve replacing social, political, and environmental "correctness" with a common sense approach that recognizes the urgent needs of our society. Our new "Patriot" must be willing to ignore the special interests, self serving greed, and voting "blocks" that currently prevail, and stay focused on the common good of the American society. The leader must be strong of conviction and character in order to overcome these negative elements which today dominate and stagnate our political processes.
This means funneling resources into energy research, with meaningful incentives for those who develop needed technologies. This means temporarily relaxing environmental concerns and taking a common sense approach to using the oil reserves in Alaska and off shore areas around our continent. This means critically monitoring the pricing and business activities of all elements of the oil supply line to prevent price gouging and excesses. This may even mean government supporting the creation of new refining capacity by designing refineries which can be converted to other activities after alternate fuel sources are found. This may mean reevaluation of nuclear energy and increased research in coal refinement technologies.
We should move away from those trade deals that do not serve our best interest. We should only trade when we are trading on a basis of equality and fair competition. If we have a negative balance of trade with a nation, we should take steps to stop the outflow of dollars until balance is achieved. To continue to drain a lake with inadequate inflow will eventually result in a dry lake bed. To continue on our existing philosophies of global trade will result in a continuing weakening of our dollar, and more expensive oil. Approximately 30% of the increase in the price of oil over the past five years has been the result of a continually weakening of the dollar on the international currency market.
Simultaneously, goals of energy conservation and lifestyle modification will have to be developed along with plans to educate, stimulate, and organize the American public to achieve these goals. Over a ten year period much can be done…but we must start immediately if we hope to save our economy and the American way of life. We must regain control of our destiny and not rely on foreign, self serving relationships for our subsistence. We need a strong leader to emerge and lead us through the critical era that lies before us. George Washington….Where Are You?
- The sign ordinance workshop for the City of Marianna is scheduled for 6:00 Wednesday evening, May 7. All business operators and concerned citizens should mark this important meeting on their calendars.
- The city baseball programs are in full swing at every major town in Jackson County. These programs provide wonderful experiences for hundreds of local youth.
- The old Wal-Mart building is still being ignored by our County Commission.
Well, that about winds things up for this week. I hope you will do your part to preserve our nation, our basic values, and our Mother Earth. Do these things and you will undoubtedly be "Getting It Right".
Our nation is at a critical time in history, we need to find a patriot as our leader.
This week I write this column somber in tone and filled with serious consideration for our nation. There are at present, several, varied threats to the well being and quality of life for the American public. We desperately need a strong leader with total dedication to our nation to step forward and provide the leadership which will be required in the coming decade.
This individual will have to be willing to place the needs of our society above all political and personal interest. Powerful, self serving interest must be overcome. Common sense and correct decisions must prevail.
We are being challenged by the impact of fighting an expensive, unpopular war against Moslem radicals; by the impact of a dollar weakened in the international community by ill conceived trade policies; and the continuing greed of oil barons in the Middle East that is creating a worldwide inflation for food and manufactured goods.
I feel the United States is at a critical crossroads in history. We may have passed the apex of our position as a nation in terms of economic and social development. From this point in time we may find our standard of living, our quality of life, and our position in the community of nations on a path of diminishing values. We have serious problems before us which must be resolved to our benefit.
I can identify two previous periods in our history where our nation and our quality of life were similarly threatened. The first of these would be the years leading up to the Civil War, and those dreadful years after the war. Our nation was torn apart by issues of trade and slavery that could only be resolved through succession and violent conflict.
In the midst of this terrible period a wise, even handed patriot emerged to lead through the conflict and into a period of healing and rejoining. He was unpopular with many. His prominent role in this period led to his assassination, but his wisdom and leadership resulted in what our nation needed. Abe Lincoln was the man of the hour in this time of national need.
Another critical era for our nation came in the 1930’s with the terrible depression that threatened to destroy our economy, followed by World War II as Hitler made his attempt at world domination. Through this period we were fortunate to have another patriot and man of great strength and will of conviction at our helm. Franklin D. Roosevelt took decisive action to put our nation back to work, to restore our economy, and to revitalize our sagging spirit. He then led us through most of those terrible years of War against the German and Japanese threats from abroad. FDR was the man of the hour in this time of national need.
In my opinion, our nation once again stands at the rim of another catastrophic era in our history. In the coming decade we will need strong, decisive and capable leadership. This leader must make decisions that will afford us protection from the terrible military threats that exist abroad while taking the steps necessary to protect and enhance our struggling economy from the greed evidenced by other foreign leaders for the benefit of their own national economies.
This leader needs to formulate and enact a clear path to end our national dependence on foreign sources for the energy required to sustain our nation. Our dependence on foreign oil must end…and end quickly.
A ten year plan that leads to self dependence for energy must be designed, approved and implemented at once. This plan should involve replacing social, political, and environmental "correctness" with a common sense approach that recognizes the urgent needs of our society. Our new "Patriot" must be willing to ignore the special interests, self serving greed, and voting "blocks" that currently prevail, and stay focused on the common good of the American society. The leader must be strong of conviction and character in order to overcome these negative elements which today dominate and stagnate our political processes.
This means funneling resources into energy research, with meaningful incentives for those who develop needed technologies. This means temporarily relaxing environmental concerns and taking a common sense approach to using the oil reserves in Alaska and off shore areas around our continent. This means critically monitoring the pricing and business activities of all elements of the oil supply line to prevent price gouging and excesses. This may even mean government supporting the creation of new refining capacity by designing refineries which can be converted to other activities after alternate fuel sources are found. This may mean reevaluation of nuclear energy and increased research in coal refinement technologies.
We should move away from those trade deals that do not serve our best interest. We should only trade when we are trading on a basis of equality and fair competition. If we have a negative balance of trade with a nation, we should take steps to stop the outflow of dollars until balance is achieved. To continue to drain a lake with inadequate inflow will eventually result in a dry lake bed. To continue on our existing philosophies of global trade will result in a continuing weakening of our dollar, and more expensive oil. Approximately 30% of the increase in the price of oil over the past five years has been the result of a continually weakening of the dollar on the international currency market.
Simultaneously, goals of energy conservation and lifestyle modification will have to be developed along with plans to educate, stimulate, and organize the American public to achieve these goals. Over a ten year period much can be done…but we must start immediately if we hope to save our economy and the American way of life. We must regain control of our destiny and not rely on foreign, self serving relationships for our subsistence. We need a strong leader to emerge and lead us through the critical era that lies before us. George Washington….Where Are You?
- The sign ordinance workshop for the City of Marianna is scheduled for 6:00 Wednesday evening, May 7. All business operators and concerned citizens should mark this important meeting on their calendars.
- The city baseball programs are in full swing at every major town in Jackson County. These programs provide wonderful experiences for hundreds of local youth.
- The old Wal-Mart building is still being ignored by our County Commission.
Well, that about winds things up for this week. I hope you will do your part to preserve our nation, our basic values, and our Mother Earth. Do these things and you will undoubtedly be "Getting It Right".
Getting It Right- “Are Authorities and the Media Being Hypocritical About The Texas Mormon Commune Affair?”
April 24, 2008
"There are some perspectives concerning the Texas Mormon Polygamist Commune Affair that are not being considered by the authorities or the media."
The raid of the radical Mormon sect commune near San Antonio, Texas has been a feature news item for the national media for the past week. I want to take a moment to add some other slants to this story that are not being presented by the reporters. First, I want to clearly state that I am against any situation that takes unfair advantage of any child or teenager. If fourteen or fifteen year old girls were being coerced by the group to marry forty year old men, it is wrong.
However, at the same time we are staunchly critical of this situation, we condone, ignore, and even support other similar situations. This creates a level of hypocrisy that I have trouble agreeing with.
It should be stated that this particular sect is a radical element of the Mormon Church, which has clung to the once accepted doctrine of polygamy. This practice has been removed from the teachings of the main element of the Mormon Church for over a hundred and fifty years. This radical sect is not unlike the radical Baptist sect in the mountains of Virginia that believe in handling rattlesnakes and drinking arsenic in order to demonstrate religious purity.
The practice of polygamy was originally brought into the Mormon faith as a necessity for the safety and continuation of the original founders who traveled into the Utah wilderness to settle and raise their families. Because of the ravages of diseases and hostile attacks, there was a severe shortage of men. There were a large percentage of women who had no husbands, had no hope of finding a husband, and were thus forced to exist alone in an unsafe, hostile environment. The church thus began to allow men to have more than one wife in order to provide safety and companionship to these women.
As is the case when most rules are passed, it was necessary for the good of the group.
The practices of early marriage and polygamy are common aspects of the Middle Eastern culture. A man’s wealth and status is measured by how many wives and children he has. Yet, we do not voice negatives about a lifestyle which by our culture would be considered a sinful, abusive practice. Could it possibly be because we need their oil supplies to run our cars and their money to support our economy?
This group in Texas created the commune in order to live a religious life as ordained by their particular beliefs. To them it was neither sinful nor wrong. The mothers and almost all of the members were content and happy in the arrangement. All of the sexual activity was preceded by a recognized marriage ceremony within the doctrine of the church. It was not casual, promiscuous sex.
Now let’s look at another culture. This is the culture that exists in the ghettos of most of our major cities. These neighborhoods with clearly identifiable borders could be considered to be communes themselves. In many instances these cultures accept and even encourage casual, promiscuous sex beginning at very early ages. However, in our society we would appear to some to be supporting and assisting this type of behavior by shoveling millions of tax dollars to enable these people to thrive in this lifestyle. As they have baby after baby out of wedlock, often with each baby being by a different male, we reward them with increased benefit payments. The children then are raised in a drug infested amoral environment that prepares them to repeat and perpetuate the lifestyle. In these situations there is no religious guidance and no marriage ceremony….it is just free love and unbridled, tax dollar supported sex.
Again, our authorities accept these practices as allowable and undeserving of punishment. Could it possibly be because this large group is armed with the right to vote in our elections?
So, when I consider these other aspects of the situation in Texas….I hesitate to jump to a podium and demand their arrest and punishment, as well as taking the children away from their loving mothers. I could not do so without feeling like a hypocrite.
- My two pet issues need to again be mentioned. First, the County Commissioners are continuing to ignore any proposal to pursue investigation of purchasing the old Wal-Mart facility for use as a central County Administration Building. And secondly, if you are a Marianna business operator, do not forget the sign ordinance workshop scheduled by the City Commissioners for May 7.
- This week a reader sent the following information to me, I thought it was worth presenting to you this week:
The next time you hear a politician casually using the word "Billion", use this measurement to relate to what the politician is referring to ….
A Billion seconds ago it was 1959, a Billion minutes ago Jesus was alive, a billion hours ago our ancestors were in the Stone Age, a billion days ago no one walked on the earth on two feet, and finally, a billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes at the rate our politicians are spending it.
Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D) is presently asking congress for 250 Billion to rebuild New Orleans. This means that if you are one of the 424,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each would get $516,528. Or, if you have one of the 188, 251 homes in the city your home gets $1,329,787. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D.C. HELLO!!...Are all of your calculators broken?
Remember, it is important that you stay informed and involved in your community. Express your feelings and opinions. Our nation is at a cross roads in its future. If we continue on our present course, our economy, our culture, our standard of living, and our quality of life will diminish. Help keep things on the correct course. Do this and you will be "Getting It Right".
"There are some perspectives concerning the Texas Mormon Polygamist Commune Affair that are not being considered by the authorities or the media."
The raid of the radical Mormon sect commune near San Antonio, Texas has been a feature news item for the national media for the past week. I want to take a moment to add some other slants to this story that are not being presented by the reporters. First, I want to clearly state that I am against any situation that takes unfair advantage of any child or teenager. If fourteen or fifteen year old girls were being coerced by the group to marry forty year old men, it is wrong.
However, at the same time we are staunchly critical of this situation, we condone, ignore, and even support other similar situations. This creates a level of hypocrisy that I have trouble agreeing with.
It should be stated that this particular sect is a radical element of the Mormon Church, which has clung to the once accepted doctrine of polygamy. This practice has been removed from the teachings of the main element of the Mormon Church for over a hundred and fifty years. This radical sect is not unlike the radical Baptist sect in the mountains of Virginia that believe in handling rattlesnakes and drinking arsenic in order to demonstrate religious purity.
The practice of polygamy was originally brought into the Mormon faith as a necessity for the safety and continuation of the original founders who traveled into the Utah wilderness to settle and raise their families. Because of the ravages of diseases and hostile attacks, there was a severe shortage of men. There were a large percentage of women who had no husbands, had no hope of finding a husband, and were thus forced to exist alone in an unsafe, hostile environment. The church thus began to allow men to have more than one wife in order to provide safety and companionship to these women.
As is the case when most rules are passed, it was necessary for the good of the group.
The practices of early marriage and polygamy are common aspects of the Middle Eastern culture. A man’s wealth and status is measured by how many wives and children he has. Yet, we do not voice negatives about a lifestyle which by our culture would be considered a sinful, abusive practice. Could it possibly be because we need their oil supplies to run our cars and their money to support our economy?
This group in Texas created the commune in order to live a religious life as ordained by their particular beliefs. To them it was neither sinful nor wrong. The mothers and almost all of the members were content and happy in the arrangement. All of the sexual activity was preceded by a recognized marriage ceremony within the doctrine of the church. It was not casual, promiscuous sex.
Now let’s look at another culture. This is the culture that exists in the ghettos of most of our major cities. These neighborhoods with clearly identifiable borders could be considered to be communes themselves. In many instances these cultures accept and even encourage casual, promiscuous sex beginning at very early ages. However, in our society we would appear to some to be supporting and assisting this type of behavior by shoveling millions of tax dollars to enable these people to thrive in this lifestyle. As they have baby after baby out of wedlock, often with each baby being by a different male, we reward them with increased benefit payments. The children then are raised in a drug infested amoral environment that prepares them to repeat and perpetuate the lifestyle. In these situations there is no religious guidance and no marriage ceremony….it is just free love and unbridled, tax dollar supported sex.
Again, our authorities accept these practices as allowable and undeserving of punishment. Could it possibly be because this large group is armed with the right to vote in our elections?
So, when I consider these other aspects of the situation in Texas….I hesitate to jump to a podium and demand their arrest and punishment, as well as taking the children away from their loving mothers. I could not do so without feeling like a hypocrite.
- My two pet issues need to again be mentioned. First, the County Commissioners are continuing to ignore any proposal to pursue investigation of purchasing the old Wal-Mart facility for use as a central County Administration Building. And secondly, if you are a Marianna business operator, do not forget the sign ordinance workshop scheduled by the City Commissioners for May 7.
- This week a reader sent the following information to me, I thought it was worth presenting to you this week:
The next time you hear a politician casually using the word "Billion", use this measurement to relate to what the politician is referring to ….
A Billion seconds ago it was 1959, a Billion minutes ago Jesus was alive, a billion hours ago our ancestors were in the Stone Age, a billion days ago no one walked on the earth on two feet, and finally, a billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes at the rate our politicians are spending it.
Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D) is presently asking congress for 250 Billion to rebuild New Orleans. This means that if you are one of the 424,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each would get $516,528. Or, if you have one of the 188, 251 homes in the city your home gets $1,329,787. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D.C. HELLO!!...Are all of your calculators broken?
Remember, it is important that you stay informed and involved in your community. Express your feelings and opinions. Our nation is at a cross roads in its future. If we continue on our present course, our economy, our culture, our standard of living, and our quality of life will diminish. Help keep things on the correct course. Do this and you will be "Getting It Right".
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