Cliptoons by S&S

Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting It Right- Golden Rule #1 – “He Who Rules, Prospers”

I’m going to start with a rather revealing e-mail I received recently. It made me realize how tilted the political-legal system has become to the betterment of the politicians and bureaucrats and to the worsening of the average taxpaying citizen.
We have all read those stories describing how the politicians in Washington have created a social security system for themselves, separate and much better than the system used by the common folks. We have read the stories about the loans they took from the legislative post office and never repaid. We have read about how they pass legislation to give themselves raises late in the night when the cameras are off and few are around.
From rampant double dipping by federal, state, county and city retirees, to plush retirement schemes, to lucrative "buy back" systems for sick pay accrual, and other bonus plans…politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of government are looking out for themselves----at the expense of the general working public.
This e-mail brought that fact to the forefront of my awareness of what they are doing. Here it is:
Remember, they are already making $40,000,000 for speaking engagements and book royalties.
If Hillary Clinton wins in 2008 and Bill Clinton is appointed to fill her senate seat, their government retirement pay would consist of:
♦ A presidential retirement check for Bill
(full salary)
♦ A presidential retirement check for Hillary
(full salary)
♦ A U. S. Senator retirement check for Hillary
(full salary)
♦ A U.S. Senator retirement check for Bill
(full salary)
♦ An Arkansas Governor’s retirement check for Bill (full salary)
If either dies before the other, the benefits transfer to the survivor,
In order to establish New York residency they bought a multi-million dollar home in upscale Chappaqua, New York and since they are getting Secret Service protection for the remainder of their lives,
Their mortgage payments are approximately $10,000 per month….but to provide on site housing for their secret service staff, a separate residence was built ….and the Clinton’s charge the government $10,000 a month rent for use of that extra residence.
This means that the taxpayers are paying their Salary, their Mortgage, their Transportation, Safety and Security, and the salaries of their twelve man staff… for the rest of their lives.
This type of behavior reminds me of several timeless adages that I have heard through the years, such as:
♦ "If you don’t look out for yourself, no one else will"
♦ "Do unto others before they can do unto you"
♦ "The meek shall inherit the earth, after the rich are through with it"
♦ "Government isn’t the solution to the problem, it is the source of the problem"
♦ "Tax and spend …especially if spending is on yourself"
This seems to be the approach taken by too many of our ruling elite legislators as they manage our money. It is this type of greedy legislation that has created a society in the USA where working for government is better than working for yourself or in industry. It is why the "servant" is making more than those they are supposed to "serve". It just ain’t right folks!
Rudiments- odds and ends worth mentioning:
♦ On the same evening this paper is being printed, the Marianna City Commission is conducting a sign ordinance workshop. I hope that some beneficial insight comes from this meeting. They began their study with an overview of ordinances from several Florida towns of similar size. This overview should help in moving our sign ordinances into a more reasonable format and hopefully remove the anti-business appearance from these rules.
♦ Our County Commissioners continue to ignore the possibility of using the old Wal-Mart building to fill the need for an administration center. We shouldn’t let them play a delaying strategy in this matter.
♦ The state says it is pinching the budget but at the same time funds millions for improving public baseball fields. I love the facilities we have in Jackson County and the great programs for our kids that are in place. However, in my opinion, every field in Jackson County is in great shape and could skip funding for improvements this year if we are serious about state spending.
♦ I understand that the most likely site for the new Public Health Building is the Sikes site after the existing ruins are removed. This is at least using the site preparation, parking lot, and landscaping that is already in place. However, the Wall-Mart building could be retrofitted for less than the $10,000,000 they will spend…and would result in a facility much more conveniently located for the public. I would estimate that this approach would save at least $5,000,000….but it is only tax money that has already been funded, so why bother?
Stay involved and keep active, frugal, and involved….and you will be "Getting It Right".

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