Cliptoons by S&S

Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting It Right- “Are Authorities and the Media Being Hypocritical About The Texas Mormon Commune Affair?”

April 24, 2008

"There are some perspectives concerning the Texas Mormon Polygamist Commune Affair that are not being considered by the authorities or the media."
The raid of the radical Mormon sect commune near San Antonio, Texas has been a feature news item for the national media for the past week. I want to take a moment to add some other slants to this story that are not being presented by the reporters. First, I want to clearly state that I am against any situation that takes unfair advantage of any child or teenager. If fourteen or fifteen year old girls were being coerced by the group to marry forty year old men, it is wrong.
However, at the same time we are staunchly critical of this situation, we condone, ignore, and even support other similar situations. This creates a level of hypocrisy that I have trouble agreeing with.
It should be stated that this particular sect is a radical element of the Mormon Church, which has clung to the once accepted doctrine of polygamy. This practice has been removed from the teachings of the main element of the Mormon Church for over a hundred and fifty years. This radical sect is not unlike the radical Baptist sect in the mountains of Virginia that believe in handling rattlesnakes and drinking arsenic in order to demonstrate religious purity.
The practice of polygamy was originally brought into the Mormon faith as a necessity for the safety and continuation of the original founders who traveled into the Utah wilderness to settle and raise their families. Because of the ravages of diseases and hostile attacks, there was a severe shortage of men. There were a large percentage of women who had no husbands, had no hope of finding a husband, and were thus forced to exist alone in an unsafe, hostile environment. The church thus began to allow men to have more than one wife in order to provide safety and companionship to these women.
As is the case when most rules are passed, it was necessary for the good of the group.
The practices of early marriage and polygamy are common aspects of the Middle Eastern culture. A man’s wealth and status is measured by how many wives and children he has. Yet, we do not voice negatives about a lifestyle which by our culture would be considered a sinful, abusive practice. Could it possibly be because we need their oil supplies to run our cars and their money to support our economy?
This group in Texas created the commune in order to live a religious life as ordained by their particular beliefs. To them it was neither sinful nor wrong. The mothers and almost all of the members were content and happy in the arrangement. All of the sexual activity was preceded by a recognized marriage ceremony within the doctrine of the church. It was not casual, promiscuous sex.
Now let’s look at another culture. This is the culture that exists in the ghettos of most of our major cities. These neighborhoods with clearly identifiable borders could be considered to be communes themselves. In many instances these cultures accept and even encourage casual, promiscuous sex beginning at very early ages. However, in our society we would appear to some to be supporting and assisting this type of behavior by shoveling millions of tax dollars to enable these people to thrive in this lifestyle. As they have baby after baby out of wedlock, often with each baby being by a different male, we reward them with increased benefit payments. The children then are raised in a drug infested amoral environment that prepares them to repeat and perpetuate the lifestyle. In these situations there is no religious guidance and no marriage ceremony….it is just free love and unbridled, tax dollar supported sex.
Again, our authorities accept these practices as allowable and undeserving of punishment. Could it possibly be because this large group is armed with the right to vote in our elections?
So, when I consider these other aspects of the situation in Texas….I hesitate to jump to a podium and demand their arrest and punishment, as well as taking the children away from their loving mothers. I could not do so without feeling like a hypocrite.
- My two pet issues need to again be mentioned. First, the County Commissioners are continuing to ignore any proposal to pursue investigation of purchasing the old Wal-Mart facility for use as a central County Administration Building. And secondly, if you are a Marianna business operator, do not forget the sign ordinance workshop scheduled by the City Commissioners for May 7.
- This week a reader sent the following information to me, I thought it was worth presenting to you this week:
The next time you hear a politician casually using the word "Billion", use this measurement to relate to what the politician is referring to ….
A Billion seconds ago it was 1959, a Billion minutes ago Jesus was alive, a billion hours ago our ancestors were in the Stone Age, a billion days ago no one walked on the earth on two feet, and finally, a billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes at the rate our politicians are spending it.
Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D) is presently asking congress for 250 Billion to rebuild New Orleans. This means that if you are one of the 424,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each would get $516,528. Or, if you have one of the 188, 251 homes in the city your home gets $1,329,787. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D.C. HELLO!!...Are all of your calculators broken?
Remember, it is important that you stay informed and involved in your community. Express your feelings and opinions. Our nation is at a cross roads in its future. If we continue on our present course, our economy, our culture, our standard of living, and our quality of life will diminish. Help keep things on the correct course. Do this and you will be "Getting It Right".

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