By Sid Riley
This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items which are impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"As traditional fleecing methods become less productive, Big Brother Bureaucracy will undoubtedly seek new, unique ways to get into the pockets of the public."
As I was driving to an interview this morning I was listening to the Neal Boortz conservative talk radio program, when he related how the "Crats’ in New York City had come up with another way to harass and dominate the public and simultaneously create more revenues for their system. In the City of New York, if you have a tree in your front yard, which is growing on your property, and you wish to decorate it for the Holiday Season (they won’t use the word Christmas) you must first obtain a permit from the city to get permission to decorate your tree.
As ridiculous as this may sound to some….unfortunately it is true. And equally unfortunately, this is the direction we are heading everywhere in America as we create a more controlled, structured, government dominated society and lifestyle. As the bureaucracy slowly whittles on our freedoms and areas where we can exercise choices, we become more sheep-like as successive generations accept this way of life as necessary and acceptable.
Eventually those of us who can recall the days when we enjoyed personal freedom of choice, and personal rights and property rights had meaning, will all be gone. The evolution into the Orwellian society visualized by Orson Wells in his book "1984" will be a reality. Wells was right in his vision, he was just fifty years or so too early in his dating.
In order to assist Big Brother and his tribes of "Crats" in their continuing quest to find new ways to force the citizens of every city, county, and state to "render unto Cesar" as much as is possible, I am offering the following possibilities for new taxes, permits, fees, and other clever devices for gleaning money from the flock. (These are no more ridiculous than a permit to decorate a tree in your front yard.)
● Boat Motor Registration: We already license and register our boat trailers and our boats, but what if someone stole the motor from the boat? Why not register every outboard motor and create an annual sticker that must be displayed on the side of the motor? This would create millions and would help create new jobs for those who produce, issue, and keep records on the motor registry.
● Lawn Mower Registration: This is a fertile field. In order to protect us from having our lawn mowers stolen, a lawn mower license should be required to be issued each year and displayed on the back of the lawn mower.
● Lawn Mower Operators License: We should all have to pass a government run course on lawn mower safety which certifies that we have passed this course and are now qualified to operate our lawn mowers. This certification would have to be renewed with retesting each five years.
● Lawn Mowing Permit: Each summer as the growing season begins, every home owner or renter would be required to purchase an annual lawn mowing permit which would give you the right to mow your lawn any time you please, all summer long.
● Gutter Cleaning Permit: On those occasions when your home guttering becomes clogged and must be cleaned, you should be required to obtain a permit which gives you permission for one cleaning of all gutters as necessary. However, this permit should be clearly displayed any time you are upon your roof, in case your intent might be misinterpreted by any passing police or government officials.
● Roof Repairing Permit: Oops! You already have to get one of these.
● Home Parking Permit: If you own a home with a garage or driveway where you plan to park your personal automobile, you should first be required to obtain an annual parking permit. This will assure officials that the vehicle is parked at an authorized site.
● Planting Permits: If you wish to plant anything in the ground, you should be required to describe exactly what plants you are planning to plant, your reason for this action, and what you plan to do with any blossoms, leaves, or produce from these plants. This will assist law enforcement in control of illegal drugs, spread of unwanted weeds and plants, and will create millions of additional revenue for government.
(Farmers would only have to buy a five year planting permit at reduced cost.)
● I would also encourage municipal governments to reinstall parking meters and pay toilets in all public buildings.
● I thought about forcing couples to pay for a renewal of their marriage licenses each year….but there might be too many non-renewals.
Folks, this is where we are headed under the leadership of Big Brother, if you will just think about what we already have to do….in many cases we are already suffering this ridiculous level of over regulation, much of which is designed for the purpose of revenue generation for government. Permits, Licenses, Fees, Certifications, Penalties, Fines, Forfeitures, ….they are all TAXES! We also pay millions in taxes without even being aware of them. Just look at your phone bill or utility bill in detail and you will see a long list of fees and taxes which have no meaning to you yet you are forced to pay each month.
As the "Crats" seek new sources of revenue to make up for revenue shortfalls created by our faltering economy, be aware. Resist all attempts they make to dig deeper into your pockets…and you will be "Getting It Right".
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● Upon returning home after a Thanksgiving trip I was saddened to discover two families I care about had suffered the loss of a family member during our absence. The first was Mary Fears, wife of Elwin Fears. She died of cancer after a brave thirteen year battle. The second death was of my old friend, Ed Revell. He was a former neighbor, and his children and ours grew up during the same period. He was a fine man and I will miss his presence.
● The Marianna Christmas Parade and Winterfest festival will be held Friday afternoon. This will be a great way to begin the holiday season, so bring out the family and participate. Also, BCF is having a Christmas music presentation by their entire show band with Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Saturday night performances. I plan to attend both events, maybe some good Christmas music will brighten things in the gloom of our national economic condition. P.S. I am glad Marianna still uses the words "Christmas Parade".
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Hatcher Publications.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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sid ,try to look at the bright side,
ReplyDeletewe live in a country that lets you say that crap you say.
see ,if you wouild show others the respect you probibly demand from them things might just work out for the better.
you just rant&rant on&on.
why dont you do something about these things insted of bitching and crying.