Cliptoons by S&S

Sunday, June 21, 2009

“An Inconvenient Truth”, or “A Very Convenient Lie”

Companies, Individuals, and Organizations are making millions by overstating unproven theories about the on causes of global warming. It has become one of the largest “scams” in history.

This column presents a conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:

“The “Real Green Movement” is the movement of green public money into the pocketbooks of those exploiting public fears about global warming.”

When Vice President Al Gore lost his attempt to become President of the United States his net worth was around $4 million dollars, less his campaign losses. Today, just a few short years later his net worth has soared to over $100 million. He has reaped great personal gains from creating an international panic among the over zealous environmental fanatics which then spread throughout the political spectrum and spawned an entire new industry. In many instances these participants who spurred the “global warming” fanaticism did so, not out of a real concern for mankind or our planet…but instead they participated out of a real concern for their personal bank accounts.
This entire movement, and the billions of dollars it has cost the American public and American industry, is founded on unproven, disputed scientific theories. I find this remarkable. By creating images of the melting polar ice cap, and polluted skies over cities, the perpetrators of this scam, led by Al Gore, instilled a fear among the general population which then enabled them to proceed with their reaping of huge financial gains from “corrective” actions.
Environmental Engineering Firms, Environmental Consultants, Environmental Lobbyists, Manufacturers of Environment Saving products, Environmental Activists Organizations, Environmental Publications, have resulted in a full range of new products which promise to “save the environment” for mankind. These “green” products range from diapers and tampons to tea bags and golf tees.

The government has been quick to jump aboard this “environmental gravy train” of potential new sources of revenue. Every politician feels it a political necessity to have a “green card” in his credentials by demonstrating a voting record which was favorable to all of the ridiculous legislation which has been brought forth by the loonies promoting this agenda. As with most things which are government related, the movement is about 40% based on a realistic need and agenda, and the other 60% is based on political over reaction and greedy exploitation at the taxpayer’s expense.

It seems ridiculous to cause industry and the public to spend billions and billions of dollars on a theory which the scientific community is still debating. The fact that a warming trend is occurring has been verified and has earned general scientific agreement. However, the dispute still rages among scientist over the root causes of these warming trends. Those who are anti-industry zealots were quick to blame industrial development, and mankind for the problem. Politicians soon followed with legislation which created powerful, expensive, uncontrolled new bureaucracies charged with absolute authority over protecting our planet from evil mankind. These bureaucracies include the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, and at our State level, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, The North Florida Water Management District, County Environmental Codes, County Comprehensive Plan, and Municipal Environmental Codes.

The resulting quagmire of required permits and related delays while paperwork is shuffled between bureaucrats before their departments brand of “bureaucratic holy water” is sprinkled on the project plans, has turned the entire pre construction permitting phase of any project into a nightmare. Many potential job producing projects are never initiated because of this anti-business, bureaucracy dominated, environment…especially in Florida.

Many in the scientific community feel that man and our industrialized society is a relatively small element of the real causes of global warming. Some theories note the fact that global warming has occurred several times in the past. They feel that this is a natural phenomenon which evolves over millions of years. Since oil reserves exist in Alaska, it is evident that at one time that area contained jungle foliage, mastodons, and dinosaurs. Also, it has been noted that several of the polar ice caps on other heavenly bodies (including Mars) are also apparently melting. This gives credence to the theory that solar activity cycles can create global warming. Other scientists have developed a correlation between global volcanic activity and global warming. The eruption of one volcano can deliver more pollutants into the atmosphere in a few hours than man has since his creation. Volcanic activity on Earth has been at a high level for several decades.

So, the debate rages among scientists over whether man is the root cause of global warming…or whether Mother Nature is still in charge. Another area of scientific debate lies in the question of whether the carbon dioxide our industries and power plants release into the atmosphere is harmful or not. Plants can not live without carbon dioxide. They intake this mixture and create the oxygen all man and animals need for survival. Many within the scientific community feel the presence of the carbon dioxide man is releasing is insignificant and in some instances is beneficial.

Historical data demonstrates that during the medieval era another defined global warming period occurred….Before Mankind Had Industrialized! During this period wine vineyards abounded throughout England, and studies of Himalayan mountain ice reveals periods of high carbon dioxide content in the air of that day. A Chinese study recently demonstrated that periods of high carbon dioxide in the air enhance plant growth and speed natural cleansing of organic pollutants, such as copper, from the soil. (See CO2Science.Org)

Meanwhile, our environmental loonies here at home are so hyper over fighting carbon dioxide emissions they want to tax farmers because their cows pass gas in the pasture, and they want to stop all power plants from using fossil fuels for power generation through imposing lucrative, new, prohibitive taxes. I just hope they don’t decide to tax beans and rice because of the after-effect that dish has on those of us who enjoy it for dinner.

To me, the most stupid part of this entire situation is that our society will work itself into an environmental frenzy and allow the environmental movement and it’s enforcing agencies to stop all energy development in the petroleum and nuclear arenas, to install regulations and procedures which cause industry to spend millions on compliance with inane environmental requirements (such as mosquito ponds), cause billions of dollars of valuable real estate across the nation to be unsalable because it once housed a filling station, ….all because of unproven, un-validated, scientific theories. I don’t believe they are “Getting it Right”. How can this occur in an educated society? It can occur because of the presence of two prime human traits…. Politics and Greed! Meanwhile, we must pay for it all in our taxes and the prices we pay for every product.
As for myself, if a company touts that it is a “green company” I avoid doing business with it…If a politician brags about his/her environmental record, I avoid voting for them, If a bureaucracy uses its unbridled power to force expensive, unnecessary, environmental stupidity on a business….I am torn between the emotions of intense anger and vomiting.

Being of Irish descent, I have always favored the color “Green” as symbolic of that heritage. However, since Al Gore has started this rush of insanity, I am switching to the color ‘purple’.

Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning-
● This week the North Florida Water Management bureaucracy forced our new Waffle House in Marianna to take up the fence around their new mosquito pond, bring the backhoe back in, and dig it a little larger. I am sure this reworking of the pond was very critical to our safety. If they have to dig it any deeper, maybe this pond will eventually rival Lake Kindelspire at the local bowling - recreation complex as dramatic examples of bureaucratic “green stupidity”.

● I have determined that the reason the Ten Commandments has been banned from court houses across the nation. With the commandments in the display, “Thou Shalt not Steal”, and “Thou Shalt not Lie”,….. the Lawyers, Politicians, and Bureaucrats can’t tolerate it.

● It appears that the Kelson Avenue project in Marianna is finished!! It only took two short years. This is rather remarkable when one realizes the Empire State Building was built in one year and 45 days.

● I see where a child in Florida recently died of West Nile virus. If that mosquito was hatched in a retaining pond near his house...I blame the FDEP!

Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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