Cliptoons by S&S

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"The Ultimate Bureaucracy"

Some of the Inherent Dangers of Socialism
There have been many examples of the failures of socialism through the history of governments around the world.
This column presents a non-partisan, conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope you will read the column regularly and it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"I do not want to live in a Socialistic society!......Do You?"
If you answered NO! to that question, then you had better start taking heed of what is taking place in Washington, emanating from the White House in the form of executive orders, or coming from the Senate and the House of Representatives as new legislation. You should immediately begin taking part in local, state, and national efforts to alter their intended course. If you choose to sit back and ignore the situation while you watch TV and play, you will suddenly realize in the not too distant future that you have waited too long and they have completed converting our nation from a Democratic Free Enterprise Capitalistic System into a Democratic Socialistic System.
That conversion is underway at a fast pace, using the fear of an impending financial collapse as the justification for government ownership of a major portion of our economic strengths. Banking, Insurance, Automotive, Medical Services, Housing, and transportation are immediate targets. Food production, utilities, oil production and sale, charities, the media, education and many other elements of our society are on the "To Do" list. Oh yes, while they are at changing things, why not give the Federal Government power over virtually all state and local governments?
It appears the ultimate goal is a huge Federal Government establishment which controls virtually all elements of American life. The ultimate bureaucracy!
Socialism and Communism Do Not Work!! They are economic and social systems which have great appeal to the poor, repressed, under achieving, non-productive, underclass within a society….but they are systems which are doomed for ultimate failure.
During the "era of revolutions" of the 1800’s in Europe the poor elements of the population began to rise up against the repressive ruling classes which were comprised of the ruling group and the dominant bureaucracy which surrounded these rulers. Revolutions developed within most of the nations of Europe and Russia.
In the 1840s’ Marx and Engels wrote extensively about social and economic systems. They defined a "socialist" as being "for the eradication of class inequities through gradual reforms to the capitalistic order." A "communist" was defined as being "for achieving social equality through the process of social revolution." By the 1880’s a socialist was one who "stood for combating social evils created by capitalism through abolition of private ownership of the means of production and replacement of private ownership with social ownership." Eventually, "Communism" and "Socialism" were recognized as being interchangeable terms.
The primary cause of the failure of these noble social concepts is the presence of innate failures and weaknesses in the nature of mankind. Socialism removes the concepts of competition, individual success, and personal reward for achievement. Instead, it naively expects everyone to do their best to contribute to the "social good" at all times, regardless of reward.
These noble ideals are soon replaced with the more human concepts of "getting the most you can from the system while contributing the least amount possible." This manner of living within such a system is what destroyed the economic system and the society of Russian Communism. We see this same philosophy prevailing here in the United States among our large "welfare society" element which has become masterfully adept at milking as much as possible from the myriad of social programs our vote seeking politicians have generously created during the past fifty years. They have found that instead of working hard, they can benefit more if they work hard at "beating the system". In some instances we are entering our fourth generation of graduates of this social umbrella, "entitlements" lifestyle.
Another failure of socialism as a viable economic system is the fact that it quickly becomes "politicized." Government owned banks begin to make loans to individuals, corporations, and organizations which generously support and donate to the correct political parties and politicians. Those who fail to be supporters go unfinanced. For example, at the present time our state owned and managed automobile company, General Motors, is about to close sixteen plants around the country. Could it be possible that plants located in Republican districts might have a better chance of being closed than plants located in the districts of powerful Democratic leaders?
Inject this element of political influence into every aspect of our economy, every decision which is made, every dollar of every transaction….and you have the socialistic formula for failure.
The system soon degenerates into a system replete with favoritism, inequality, corruption, bribery, payola, insider trading, extortion, mafia influences, and unprosecuted criminal behavior. I do not want my children and grandchildren to be forced to live in this type of society because I failed to prevent it from sweeping our nation at this moment. I plan to speak out and to resist these changes with all of my energies. I hope you will do the same. If you do….I think we will both be "Getting It Right".
Rudiments: Odds and Ends Worth Mentioning –
· I congratulate all graduates in the class of 2009. I hope you will continue your personal development while you are young and still have the opportunity. Our nation desperately needs educated, productive citizens….try to become one.
· At Tuesday’s meeting of the Marianna City Commission a contract was awarded to North Florida Construction for work funded by grants to fill the needs of the new industry locating at the industrial park, Ice Springs. This work was bid at $876,000, while the grant funding was for $1,335,000. This leaves over $450,000 of unused funds on this project. Of course the city will never return these funds to be used elsewhere where a real need might be present….instead, they will fabricate some need locally so that the money will be spent here. This is a form of greedy waste in my opinion. It may be the system…but it is a bad system. Who knows, they may even decide to build another city park with these funds. (P.S.- It appears that Ice Springs now has 16 full time employees, and 5 part time. )
· All that truly matters in the end…is that you loved and were loved.
Note: The opinions stated in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hatcher Publications.

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