Cliptoons by S&S

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting It Right-A House Divided On Our Birthday

July 5, 2007

By: Sid Riley

This column presents a non-partisan, conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items that are impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope that you will read the column regularly and that it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"On this 231st birthday of our nation we are suffering as a nation severely divided".
Happy Birthday America!! The purpose of the 4th of July holiday is to celebrate the founding of this great democracy that we live in.
"United we stand, divided we fall!" If that familiar phrase has any true meaning and insight, then we are all in trouble. At the present time the citizens of this great nation are almost as divided as we were in the period prior to that terrible phase of our history known as the "Civil War" era.
The fundamentally differing elements of this threatening conflict are the "Traditional Conservatives" vs. the "Secular Liberal Progressives". Imbedded within this conflict are many national issues about which these groups promote vastly diverse opinions.
These arenas of ongoing and increasing conflict include issues such as:
- Pro Choice vs. Right To Life issues on abortion
- Use of the death penalty
- Creation vs. Evolution Teachings
- Removal of Christian Influence in Government and schools
- Stem Cell Research vs. No Research
- Dealing with the Illegal Immigrants
- Personal Liberties vs. Homeland Security
- Gay Rights, (adoption, marriage, etc.)
- Environmental Protection vs. National Needs (oil drilling)
- Recognizing War on Terror vs. Ignoring the Threat
- Bush Bashing vs. Bush Supporting
- Social Responsibilities of Government vs. Individual Responsibilities
- Big Government/High Taxes vs. Small Government/low taxes
- Capitalism vs. Socialism
- Minority Rights vs. Majority Rights
- Pro war in Mideast against terrorism vs. anti-war
- Strong Military w/ large budgets vs. Weak Military and more budgeting for social issues
- Redistribution of wealth vs. Free Enterprise
- Socialized Medicine
- Welfare vs. Workfare
- Free Trade vs. Protection of Domestic Industries
- Minimum Wages vs. Market Demand Determined Wages
- Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants vs. Prosecution or Deportation
- Belief that Man is Causing Global Warming vs. Belief that God is Causing Global Warming
Astoundingly, it seems that the rhetoric on these issues becomes louder and increasingly encased in bitter anger as time passes. With few exceptions, it seems that the same people align on opposing sides on almost all of this slate of issues.
I heard one comedian remark that the Global Warming doomsayers are so dedicated to their cause that they completely ignore the presence of the threat of terrorism. "The only time they will recognize the threat from a car bomber is if the car has too much exhaust emissions!"

As our national elections approach in the coming months, the rhetoric will become even more confrontational as opposing groups vie for power. Meanwhile, our nation will continue to suffer and decline from the continuing corrosive effect of these conflicts.
Out of this dialogue has sprung several catch phrases and "oxy-morons" that alarm, amaze, astound and amuse me. This would include such phrases as "social entitlements", "illegal alien’s rights", "global economy", "global government", "gay rights", "minority rights", "women’s rights", "rights to privacy", "disability rights", etc. Citizens and celebrities are allowed to openly denounce our government and nation and lend support to our enemies without fear of being charged with treason. Demonstrators are allowed to burn our flag and hang our president in effigy because of the expanded definitions of "free speech".
Again, I pose a basic question relative to this national dilemma, "In a Democracy where everyone can vote, if those that are taking more from the system than they contribute become the majority, and can thus enact legislation that enhances that situation and detracts from the good of the nation for selfish individual benefits….can such a democracy continue to exist??"
So, as you celebrate the 4th of July this year, take time to dedicate yourself to the restoration of those basic beliefs and values that have made our nation great. Do this, and you will be "Getting It Right".

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