Cliptoons by S&S

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting It Right-We Suffer From The Combined Impact Of Many Negative Ingredients

June 13, 2007

By: Sid Riley

This column presents a non-partisan, conservative viewpoint about items of interest in our community and our lives. Focus is on items that are impacting your pocket book, your personal freedoms, and your rights. I hope that you will read the column regularly and that it occasionally influences your opinions and actions. Now, on to the subject of the week:
"Many negative elements are interrelating to create serious deterioration of our society and our nation".
Our nation is in a state of decline, and it is important that we all seek to identify and understand the root causes of this deteriorating situation. In the following paragraphs I will list what I perceive to be the causes of our national dilemma. "As a society degrades within a nation, the nation also degrades".
Cause #1. The demise of the traditional family structure within our society. The family structure that existed when I was growing up has been changed because of numerous negative trends. Very few women worked outside of the home. The mother was the mainstay of the household, enforcing rules of conduct and providing love and care for the children. The father was able to earn all of the money that was necessary to provide necessities for the family. Even industrial laborers and blue collar workers were able to support their families without needing extra income from their wives working.
"Back then" the cost of government (hidden and visible) was only about 25% of the earned income, so enough was left for basic needs and a reasonably good life. Then as the cost of government rose to over 50% of earned income, more and more families found that the wife HAD to work if the family was to survive. Of course in some cases the "liberated" woman wanted a career instead of being a mom, but in most cases she was forced to go to work in order to supplement her husband’s income.
This created many changes within the basic home environment. Children began to be almost "raised" by day care centers and early school programs. Many children became "unattended" much of the time. Family meals and interfamily communications and social interaction were severely reduced. Children began to not get the direction and guidance they needed as they developed.
Cause #2. – The growing influence of the "secular progressive" philosophy. Regardless of your religious philosophy, it is obvious that all religions provide a list of "do’s and do not’s" that provide social order and "codes of conduct". This leads individuals into a lifestyle that promotes self development, social interaction, and good family values.
The secular progressive philosophy began to gain with the drug culture of the 1960’s, and has multiplied and strengthened since then. "If it feels good, do it", summarizes their "free spirit" life philosophy. Their growing strength in our society, and their growing political influence as their numbers increased, has spawned many changes that diminish our nation.
Their presence has helped create a weakened school system that can no longer discipline and control unruly children, a "free love" approach to courting, easy access to abortions, abortions without parent notification, government dispensing of free needles for drug addicts, frivolous law suits, government dispensing birth control devices to children without parental involvement, social acceptance of out of wedlock births, easy divorces, living together arrangements instead of marriage, promotion of a drug culture, vulgar music and videos on youth oriented programs, humping dancing, revealing and over exposure as a dress style for young ladies, and on and on ….and on.
Thus we have reached a point to which over 50% of our babies are born out of wedlock. Millions of children are raised with no active participation in their development from their father. Children develop with little guidance from their families. Too often their life is filled with values that will lead them to a life filled with crime, welfare, and a low level of social and professional development.
The secular progressives have dealt our social framework a severe, damaging blow during the past forty years. Because of their growing political strength, our politicians have enacted laws to support these negative concepts.
Cause #3. – A national school system that is less effective and is often producing a poorly prepared new citizen. The decline in the performance of the national public school systems is a direct result of the interaction of the previously described negative social elements. As those elements continue to grow our schools and our children’s level of preparation will continue to degrade. Often, with there no longer being a family structure to provide support and assistance in dealing with problem behavior at school, the effectiveness of the teacher’s efforts to control problem children is greatly weakened. In the "old days" a child that misbehaved at school usually go two whippings – one at school and another when he got home. Today there is usually little or no meaningful punishment.
Add to this problem an overwhelming administrative burden created on school administration by an ever increasing involvement of government in the school system, and the negatives created as the teachers unionized, and you have a management system that is rendered much less effective. The problems with managing the children have worsened and their ability to deal with them has weakened.
As a result, teaching is not the attractive career that it once was. With fewer candidates the school system is forced to take in less desirable new teachers, and this then adds to the growing educational dilemma. The "dumbing of America" is underway!
Cause #4. – Poor national management. As the combined impact of weakened educational processes, weakened family structures, and liberal "social progressive" philosophies grow within our society, the government itself becomes more inept.
In my opinion this has been the case for our nation over the past forty years.
If our past leaders (Republican and Democrat) had been more astute, we would not be facing the terrible situations we face today. It is criminal for them to have allowed our nation to be totally dependent on a diminishing energy source that is controlled by a bunch of radical idiots in the Mid East. We have known that oil supplies were declining and other energy systems had to be developed for over forty years. During that time our leaders only talked about national energy policies and did nothing.
They have done little to control the infestation of our culture with drug use and the costly effect it has on our society. Our international position is one of ridicule and dislike by most of the rest of the world, even though we have tried to "buy" their friendship for decades. Our bureaucratic ineptness has helped create the serious illegal alien problems that now overwhelm us. Our national bureaucracy has become so large that it is incapable of action or any level of efficiency; instead it merely swallows our income and makes our lives miserable. Too many of our senators and congressmen are inept and should not be in the position they hold.
Conclusion – Please think about these issues. Become active in any effort to reduce these negatives. If you are willing to help fight against these things that threaten to bring down our great nation….."You Will Be Getting It Right!"

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